• Dads come in all shapes, sizes, talents and qualities. But the one thing they have in common is they were created by God. Each one unique, each one made with a purpose and each one built to be a Dad. Take a humorous look at eclectic world of Fatherhood with “Build-A-Dad”!
  • Featuring powerful words from President Ronald Reagan, “Back To The Fight” is a call to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. It’s a reminder of what it means to be an American and what it means to be free. “Back To The Fight” uses excerpts from The Presidents Inaugural address, January 20th 1981, as well as His Memorial Day address, May 26th 1986. The included audio is used under the Creative Commons 3.0 License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/.
  • Worship is about surrender. Surrender of self, surrender of sin, surrender of everything standing in the way of God having authority over our lives. Today, as we gather to worship, let us present ourselves as living sacrifices…let us worship and surrender.
  • There are so many way to describe Jesus. Faithful, mighty, loving, gracious. He is an amazing Savior, worthy of our praise and devotion. He is beautiful. He is strong. He is righteous. He is magnificent!
  • Today we exalt the Creator of all, the King of Kings. Today we surrender before His throne. Today we worship our Savior, our Redeemer and our Merciful Lord. Today we offer our all as we stand in awe of our God.
  • Life is about Jesus. It should be lived for His glory, His purpose and His will. Every action, every word, every decision should be for His renown. It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to go through the motions. It’s easy to say the right things. But, when it comes down to it…what are you here for? I am here for Jesus.
  • There has never been and will never be a moment, when God is not worthy of our praise. Every moment, every day, every breath, every step should be lived as an offering of worship to the King of Kings!
  • Dads are our heroes. They’re brave when we’re scared, strong when we’re weak, wise when we don’t know and gracious when we let them down. Today, take a moment to celebrate Fathers, not only for their hand in our lives, but for being a wonderful gift from God.
  • Wait

    Straight from scripture, “Wait” reminds us to trust God in all things, to wait on Him and know He will strengthen us, guide us and show us His good and perfect will.
  • Christmas is so much more than a holiday. It’s a time to stop and remember the amazing grace of God, the birth of The Messiah and the grace God has shown us through Him. This Christmas, may the world see Christmas for what it truly is…a celebration of our Savior, the only Son of God.
  • The Bible tells us to present ourselves as living sacrifices. In other words, our lives were designed to be lived out as an offering to God. Every breath, every heartbeat and every moment.
  • This powerful worship intro speaks to the fact that worship is the result of a heart consumed by the love of God. Featuring an original soundtrack, “This Is My Heart”, is a perfect way to kick off your next worship service or event. 

  • It's Summer! Time for vacations, sunshine and trips to the beach. Time to let your Bible collect some dust and maybe sleep in on a Sunday. After all, you've worked hard. You deserve a church break...right? This summer, don't ignore the God who has never once ignored you. It's summer...see you at church!  
  • Today is a beautiful day of celebration. A day to honor the Women who have shaped us nurtured us and walked us through life. It’s a day to say thanks to all the moms. Moms with toddlers tearing through the house, and moms whose babies have moved away. Moms who are doing this all by themselves, and moms who loved a child in need. Moms who have suffered unimaginable loss, and moms whose children are moms themselves. For all the times your love made things better and the moments your wisdom made things clear. For the way, you lived as an example so we could see Jesus through you. For each and every memory that has lit the path we walk, we say thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

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  • Most of us remember that day, it’s etched in our minds. A permanent reminder of tragedy. We all watched helplessly as lives were lost, heroes were born, and a nation was forever changed. Through that pain, we witnessed the resolve of a Nation. We saw chaos give birth to courage, fear transform into fortitude, and destruction give way to determination. In the midst of the brokenness, freedom stood immovable. Today we remember those we lost. We honor the heroes who saved so many and grieve with the families who have suffered so much. It’s been 20 years, but we still remember…And we will never forget.

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  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

  • Living with uncertainty can take its toll. The normal day to day is replaced with fear, worry, doubt. When our “normal” is disrupted, our surroundings begin to feel weak, foundations begin to rattle our lives become…disoriented. Even in our darkest moments, when the last thread of hope has unraveled from our being, we must dwell on truth. We must remember, no matter what is happening around us, God is still sovereign. He is not surprised by this moment. Today let us dwell on the truth of Easter. The stone has been rolled away. The grave has been rendered powerless. Death has transformed to life. Night has been overcome by Day. In our fear, He is still risen. In our worry, He is still victorious. In our doubt, He is still alive. When everything seems hopeless…The hope of Easter remains.

  • Today is the day. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. Today is the day!

  • What If?


    What if we got rid of the distractions? All the things which turn us away from Jesus. What if quit talking and actually lived out our faith? What if we cared deeply, served passionately and lived sacrificially? What if we were more like Jesus…What if?

  • A beautiful opening prayer to begin your next service or time of worship.

  • He is holy, mighty and worthy of praise. He is the King of Kings and the Name Above All Names. He is our Righteous Deliverer, the Giver of Life…He is Jesus!
  • Today, we say “Thank You” to our Dads. They’ve picked us up, when we’ve fallen. Held us when we were scared and loved us, even when we let them down. Most of all, we thank them for being an example and showing us Jesus in their lives. Happy Father’s Day Dads!
  • For generations, people had come and gone. Nations had risen and fallen. Hopelessness prevailed, until an ancient promise was fulfilled. Jesus came to to shine light in the darkness. He carried our transgressions on the cross and defeated sin and death so we could have life. He has overcome the grave. He has defeated death. He is risen!
  • This Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus, let your visitors know they are welcomed, cared about and loved.
  • This is the moment. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. This is the moment!
  • God’s grace is undeserved yet He gives to all who ask. God’s grace is His love in action. God’s grace is life altering and eternity changing. God’s grace is amazing!
  • Still

    Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, there is chaos, pain and trouble. Even in the most difficult times, we have a God who will lead us beside still waters. God never promises our lives will be easy, but He does promise to be be our every present help and our comfort in times of need.
  • Worship is about holding nothing back. It’s about surrendering our all at the feet of Jesus as a sacrifice of praise. He is worthy in every moment and deserves our everything.
  • Thanksgiving is a day for us to remember all the great things of God. His grace and mercy. His love for His creation. His Son, sacrificed in our place. As Christians we have much to be thankful for. Let’s honor God with an offering of Thanksgiving. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Dads can do many “manly” things. They can mow a yard, grill a burger, use tools and even threaten to pull the car over. But, being a dad isn’t really about any of those things. It’s not about being “manly”, it’s about being Godly. It’s about loving on your kids and leading them to Jesus. This Father’s Day, inspire men to be the the kind of Dad God has called them to be.
  • Before Everything...God reigned. 

  • Powerful quotes remind us of the fact we were created to worship God.

  • Worthy

    How often do we stop and think about the worth of God? How often do we worship Him. How often do we sing His praises? The reality is, He never stops being worthy. He deserves to be honored and worshipped every moment of every day. How much is God worth to you?
  • Sometimes, life can get the way of our call to worship. We forget about God in the midst of the day to day. “An Act of Worship” captures this struggle and challenges us to live our lives...our whole lives in worship to Him.

  • Celebrate our victorious Savior with this beautiful, fast-paced worship intro. This video is a great way to kick off your upcoming Easter services. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

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  • Today we celebrate our Risen Savior. The stone has been rolled away, the grave is empty and Jesus is alive! Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is Risen!

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  • In the midst of uncertainty, our faith can struggle, our walk becomes labored, and our heart heavy. There’s something about the unknown which seems to weaken us. It drains our patience and blurs our focus. Yet, in the middle of everything stands a faithful God. A God who is not swayed by the struggle and isn’t moved by the winds of chaos. A God who remains faithful even when our faith is fragile. It seems more difficult than ever to not worry about tomorrow, yet that’s exactly what God has asked us to do. For when we cast our burdens on Him, the troubles of the moment begin to fade. When we trust the plans He has for us, our fear begins to subside. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, our focus becomes consumed by clarity. Yes, we are in the midst of uncertainty, but we can be certain of one thing…God is faithful, and that is more than enough for tomorrow.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Many of us have been doing church differently. Sunday mornings have become a bit more casual, living rooms and coffee shops have become sanctuaries and fellowship has a new, less personal touch. It hasn’t been easy, yet here we are. Gathering, worshipping, learning…being the Church. Now, more than ever, we are reminded of a simple truth. The Church is not a building, it is the body of Christ. It isn’t built with brick and mortar, but with faith…and hope. In the midst of uncertainty, our calling remains the same. To share the truth of the Gospel with a world God loves. Throughout history The Church has prospered in difficult times. And today is no different. We are still the church…We’re just doing things a bit differently.

  • These are challenging times. The division and frustration are palpable. The balance is constantly shifting. The lines, consistently blurred. Truths, half-truths, lies, mixed messages, confusing headlines…all in the middle of a Nation whose back has been broken. Finding God in the midst of this moment is difficult. As the election draws closer, countless voices will try to sway you one way or the other. Yet your responsibility is simple. Pray earnestly, seek God passionately, listen carefully, and vote how He leads you. God’s is sovereign, He always has been. He is faithful and always will be. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens outside of His providence. This is where we find peace in this moment.

  • Heroes


    A short video to honor the brave men and women fighting on the front lines of the Covid-19 outbreak. Proceeds from this project will be donated to help fight this battle.

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