• Welcome people to church by letting them know they are among friends, in a place where they are cared about and loved.

  • What if we could love the way Jesus did? What if the way we love could make a difference in the world around us? What if that love looked at everyone the way God does? A love which doesn’t see the past but is consumed by a desire to see people come to know Jesus. A love which is patient and kind. Not envious or prideful. A love which puts others before ourselves and chooses peace over anger. A love which protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Do we love like this? Do we love like Jesus? Maybe it’s time to ask a simple question…How can we love…better?

  • Many of us have been doing church differently. Sunday mornings have become a bit more casual, living rooms and coffee shops have become sanctuaries and fellowship has a new, less personal touch. It hasn’t been easy, yet here we are. Gathering, worshipping, learning…being the Church. Now, more than ever, we are reminded of a simple truth. The Church is not a building, it is the body of Christ. It isn’t built with brick and mortar, but with faith…and hope. In the midst of uncertainty, our calling remains the same. To share the truth of the Gospel with a world God loves. Throughout history The Church has prospered in difficult times. And today is no different. We are still the church…We’re just doing things a bit differently.

  • This has been a long year. A year of uncertainty, struggle’ pain. We’ve watched a virus take countless lives. People we knew. People we loved. Jobs have been lost, businesses have shut down and Churches have been forced to close their doors. We’ve witnessed division and violence. And we’ve felt the sting of racism…the deep heartache of hate. There have been times where it’s been difficult to see the hand of God. But even in the darkest of moments, He has been there. Faithful, present, and powerful. As a new year begins, we stand on a simple truth…Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. We don’t know what this new year will hold, but we know it is held by a God whose mercies are new every morning. This is where we place our trust. This is the truth on which we stand. This is our hope…for the New Year.

  • Grace in a manger, mercy in flesh. Our Redeemer, our Deliverer, our Messiah. Here to pay for our sin, to give us life and lead us home. Our Savior is here!

  • Have you looked around lately? The division, the brokenness, the hate. After a while, it all begins to take a toll. We start to look at people differently. Servanthood gives way to skepticism, faith transforms into fear and love begins to languish under the weight of uncertainty. It’s in moments like this, we are reminded of the lasting meaning of Christmas. A Savior, given to mend our brokenness and make whole our divisions. God’s love on full display, bringing light to the darkness, giving hope to the hopeless. This Christmas, in the midst of these difficult times, may we be reminded just how desperately we still need a Savior.

  • God loved us with an unstoppable love. A love so deep it cost him his Son. Jesus, the Messiah, our Savior. To draw us close to Him, to change our eternity. That night in Bethlehem, love came down. This is the heart of Christmas.

  • We were alone. Consumed by hopelessness. Lost in our brokenness. Longing for a Savior. But God loved us with an unstoppable love. An unending passion and an unbreakable grace. This love cost Him his Son; Jesus. For born this day, in the City of David is a Savior; Christ The Lord. Our Messiah has come…Mercy is here.

  • Take a moment to honor the brave men and women who have served our great nation, fought for our freedom and defended our liberty.

  • This Thanksgiving we are thankful for Jesus. We stand amazed of who He is and what He has done. We humbly offer Him our worship and gratitude as we lift high His mighty name.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Shout for joy to The Lord all the Earth. Worship Him with gladness and joyful songs. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For He is good and this is Thanksgiving!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Thankfulness can be hard to come by. Circumstances, brokenness, frustration all get in the way. It can be difficult to see God through the fog. You want to believe God is in control, but you look around and see…chaos. How do you give thanks in such a moment? When we’re in our darkest moment, God promises to never leave us or forsake us. When our faith is shaken to its core, our God remains faithful. The World will ebb and flow, but if we run with endurance the race set before us…If we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…We will find Thanksgiving.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Today we enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. He alone is worthy of our gratitude…This Thanksgiving.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • His body was broken for you. His blood, poured for you. His life was given for you. Today we remember the sacrifice of our Savior. This is Communion.

  • These are challenging times. The division and frustration are palpable. The balance is constantly shifting. The lines, consistently blurred. Truths, half-truths, lies, mixed messages, confusing headlines…all in the middle of a Nation whose back has been broken. Finding God in the midst of this moment is difficult. As the election draws closer, countless voices will try to sway you one way or the other. Yet your responsibility is simple. Pray earnestly, seek God passionately, listen carefully, and vote how He leads you. God’s is sovereign, He always has been. He is faithful and always will be. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens outside of His providence. This is where we find peace in this moment.

  • Worship is about humility. It’s recognizing who we are in light of who God is. It’s about approaching His throne and laying our crowns at His feet. Surrendering our all in a passionate pursuit of His will, so in all things, He may be glorified.

  • Sometimes it’s moments of brokenness which create the greatest transformations. Times where fear gives birth to faith, pain leads to healing and chaos dissolves into peace. It’s in these times, we often see God more clearly. For in our deepest turmoil, He remains faithful. When our spirit is crushed, He remains strong. When the moment is too heavy’ He carries the burden. As gold is refined by fire, we too, are often refined by struggle. It’s part of growing, changing, becoming. Lately, the journey has been difficult. Our breath has been labored, our step uneasy. But, we stand in faith knowing who is leading us through this desert. The God of Peace, the God of Hope, the God of Restoration.

  • Today, no matter where you are, no matter your circumstances, whether you’re gathering together or watching online, today, is the time to worship. Today is the time to give glory to our Savior. For God is worthy of our praise!

  • By the word of The Lord the Heavens were made. Their starry host by the breath of His mouth. Let all the people of the World revere Him, for the plans of The Lord stand firm forever. We wait in hope for The Lord, our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, as we trust his holy name. May His unfailing love be with us as we put our hope in Him. From Psalm 33.

  • It’s been a while since we’ve been together and it’s so good to be home! Let’s celebrate The King of Kings and worship the Lord of Lords. This is the day He has made and we will rejoice…together! Welcome Home Church!

    Make sure and check out the "It's Been A While" Graphic Pack!
  • These have been difficult times, filled with uncertainty. Yet, through it all, God has remained faithful. He has not left us. He has not forsaken us. For He is the same yesterday, today and forever. No matter our circumstance, Jesus is Lord…and we still worship Him!

  • So much is different this year. There is an uncertainty in the air. As a new school year begins, let us rest in the truth of God’s faithfulness. Let us stand firm on His promise to never leave us or forsake us. Lord, we ask for your presence and protection over our children this school year.

  • There isn’t a moment where God is not worthy of praise. Psalm 95 powerfully illustrates what it means to answer the call to worship. Come, let us sing to the Lord…for He is our God!

  • There isn’t a moment where God is not worthy of praise. Psalm 95 powerfully illustrates what it means to answer the call to worship. Come, let us sing to the Lord…for He is our God!

  • These have been challenging times, but the Body of Christ has proven itself resilient. We have gathered in different ways, in different places, yet stood steadfast…as The Church. We have found peace in God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us. In our separation, we have remained united. In our struggle, we have lived out our faith. In the midst of the unknown, we have leaned on the strength of an all knowing God. Today, no matter where we gather, we remain God’s people. Our mission has not changed. Our calling has not been altered…and nothing…absolutely nothing will ever change that. We are the Church, and today we stand Resilient!

  • America is a nation consumed by division and uncertainty. Today we pray for our country and lean on the truth that true independence is found in dependence on God. We ask God to lead us from the desert and bring healing from this pain. Today we pray for America.

  • Today we celebrate Dads and say “thank you” for loving, guiding, encouraging, and inspiring us. Today is a day to let them know just how much they are loved. Happy Father’s Day Dads!

  • It’s as if we’ve been wandering the desert. Travelers, without a home. This uncommon time could divide us, or it could remind us of who we really are. A body, not a building, persevering because of God’s faithfulness. Maybe this virus has ignited something within us. Maybe it has inspired us to live louder, love harder, and care deeper. The truth is…no matter if we’re six feet, six miles or a world apart…are calling remains the same. For we are the body of Christ.

  • Fragile


    Life is fragile. It’s a fact we are learning in real time…every day. What we once called normal has seemingly disappeared. There is uncertainty in the air, restlessness in our hearts. Our usual day to day has evolved into this odd chaos. Many have lost jobs, security and those they love. The pain is undeniable. But what if our fragility caused us to lean harder into God? What if, in our our weakness, we chose to rely more on His strength? Would our outlook change? Would the peace which passes understanding begin to drown out the noise of this moment? We are not promised tomorrow, but we are given a simple truth to stand on: Our God goes before us. He will never leave us, He will never forsake us. Yes, life is fragile…But in our weakness, He is strong.

  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

  • How we gather together has changed, but our calling has not. We are still on mission, we are still commanded to make disciples. We are called to love our neighbor and give of our time and resources. We are still the body of Christ, called to be a light to the world, a city on a hill which cannot be hidden. Today, in the midst of fear, let us stand on the power of our risen Savior and answer our calling!

  • Heroes


    A short video to honor the brave men and women fighting on the front lines of the Covid-19 outbreak. Proceeds from this project will be donated to help fight this battle.

  • Living with uncertainty can take its toll. The normal day to day is replaced with fear, worry, doubt. When our “normal” is disrupted, our surroundings begin to feel weak, foundations begin to rattle our lives become…disoriented. Even in our darkest moments, when the last thread of hope has unraveled from our being, we must dwell on truth. We must remember, no matter what is happening around us, God is still sovereign. He is not surprised by this moment. Today let us dwell on the truth of Easter. The stone has been rolled away. The grave has been rendered powerless. Death has transformed to life. Night has been overcome by Day. In our fear, He is still risen. In our worry, He is still victorious. In our doubt, He is still alive. When everything seems hopeless…The hope of Easter remains.

  • These are unprecedented times, filled with uncertainty and fear. The way we meet together as a church has changed, but we will persevere. Because the Church is not a building. It is not brick and mortar. It is the Body of Christ. It is all of us, honoring God, no matter our circumstance. Any place, any time, any day…We are still the Church!

  • He was born humbly, lived passionately and died selflessly. Everything Jesus did was done with redemption in mind. But when his life ended, he was only getting started. He rose triumphantly, victorious over sin and death…our eternity, changed forever. He is Jesus, our Savior!

  • In uncertain times, it’s easy to be consumed by fear, anxiety and hopelessness. But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. As we walk this journey together, let us remember our God is not surprised by any of this. He is sovereign. He is in control. He is great, glorious, gracious and good. May we, without hesitation, find strength and peace in that truth.

  • Today is a celebration, a time of worship. A moment for our hearts to spring to life with gratitude. Today we give glory to Jesus. Our Gracious Redeemer, our Mighty Deliverer, our Risen Savior!

  • Today, we remember the unstoppable love of Jesus. A love which led to the cross. A love which changed our eternity. Today we stop and remember His body, His blood…His sacrifice.

  • As Holy Week begins, we worship our Savior. The promised Messiah has come. Soon, sin will be defeated and death will be conquered. Mercy will triumph over evil and God’s love will changed our eternity. Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!

  • A powerful. spoken word journey from the cross, to the grave…to the resurrection. The tension was still palpable. The sight of Jesus, straining under the weight of the cross was etched in memory. This tangible passion, this relentless abandon, this love, this hope…was gone. But Jesus wasn’t finished yet. 3 days later, death gave way to life. The grave lost its claim, the stone was rolled away…mercy had triumphed over sin. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

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