• This is a time of celebration. A time to worship the One who conquered sin and death, defeated the grave and reconciled us to God. Easter is about Jesus, our King, our Savior…our Redeemer.
  • Easter is a time to share the hope we have in Jesus. What better time to step out and invite you friends, family, coworkers and community to experience the Gospel and to hear about the life changing love of Christ.
  • For generations, people had come and gone. Nations had risen and fallen. Hopelessness prevailed, until an ancient promise was fulfilled. Jesus came to to shine light in the darkness. He carried our transgressions on the cross and defeated sin and death so we could have life. He has overcome the grave. He has defeated death. He is risen!
  • Before the cross, sin had left a crimson stain on our lives. A stain which would lead to certain death. That death, Jesus died in our place. His cross, washed us clean. His blood, made us white as snow.
  • On the cross, Jesus changed our eternity. He suffered, bled and died because of an unstoppable love for us. Today we stop and remember His body, His blood…His sacrifice.
  • It’s Easter…a day to worship our Savior and ignite our hearts in praise to Jesus. Death has been defeated, the grave has lost its sting. Love has won! Today, let us shout from the mountaintops, in one loud voice, Jesus is alive!
  • Love is a powerful thing. It can change hearts and change eternities. Love is what God has given us and asks us to give away. Love is God’s gift of His Son. Love is truly a powerful thing.
  • What is love? Is it a feeling or experience? Is it emotional or physical? How do you define it? Scripture gives us the perfect definition of love. Take a look at the biblical roadmap for loving as Jesus loved.
  • As we begin the season of Lent, let us take a moment to acknowledge and confess our sin before God and approach His throne in humility and reverence. May we remember today Jesus’ sacrifice. His life for ours…His blood for our forgiveness.
  • As we begin a New Year, let us take a moment to ask for God’s hand on our nation. May we be reminded that true independence is found in our dependence on Him. May we once again become one nation under God.
  • This year has been a journey for us all. For some the road has brought joy and for others…pain. We look and see a broken world and are stunned by the chaos around us. Our hearts beat to the rhythm of uncertainty. As a new year begins, let us remember to turn our eyes upon Jesus. To look full in His wonderful face. Let us watch as the things of earth are dimmed by the light of His glory and grace.
  • This year has seen a lot. We’ve seen fear and we’ve seen peace. We’ve see hate and love. We’ve seen heartache and joy. Through it all, God has remained faithful. He has not forsaken us. As we begin a new year, let us renew our focus on God. Let us seek His glory. Let us dwell in His courts.
  • The new year is a time to rededicate ourselves to the cause of Christ and the glory of God. It’s a time to hit our knees, surrender our will and live out our faith. It’s a time to come before God in worship, giving Him the honor He deserves. This year, it’s time to fix our gaze on Jesus and live life for Him and Him alone.
  • A lot has happened in one year. We’ve seen terrorism dominate the news and genocide and war all over the world. We’ve seen the racial divide grow larger by the day and witnessed unspeakable tragedies. Sometimes, life here on earth seems hopeless. As we come to the New Year, we need to stop and ask one question. Where does our hope come from? Real hope is found in God…who makes all things new.
  • Jesus changed everything. A world in desperate need of a Savior now had one.  In this one little child was our King, our Redeemer, our Messiah and our Lord. God in flesh, love personified…Born this day.
  • This Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus, let your visitors know they are welcomed, cared about and loved.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to be thankful. When chaos seems to be the new norm, when division is dominant and hatred seems constant, it becomes difficult to see God through it all. But even in the midst of turbulent times, God’s grace still abounds, His mercies are new every morning and Heaven still awaits. It’s in this truth that we can find thankful. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Christmas is a time to worship. It’s a time to celebrate the grace God gave us through His only Son Jesus. It’s a time to lift high our Savior and glorify His name. It’s a time to remember God’s mercy and His tremendous love for us. Joy to the world…The Lord is come!
  • Today we celebrate the day grace was born. Jesus, this precious gift of God who would change our eternity. That day in Bethlehem found mercy in a manger, love come to life and hope restored. Today we honor, today we praise, today we worship and adore.
  • Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday. It’s a day to remember the greatness of our God. It’s a day to remember His love, His saving Grace and the gift of His Son. It’s a day to worship God with a heart of Gratitude. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
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