He is holy, mighty and worthy of praise. He is the King of Kings and the Name Above All Names. He is our Righteous Deliverer, the Giver of Life…He is Jesus!
Without the grace of God, we are ruined. Lost in the darkness of sin. Shackled to an eternity separated from our Creator. But Jesus changed everything. Transforming the darkness to light, the broken to whole and the lost to found. The mercy of God can change a life, change a circumstance and change an eternity. This is grace!
Fall colors highlight this powerful worship intro, highlighting the unmatchable worth of our Great God. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
Our God is a worthy God. Worthy of praise and adoration. Worthy of worship and praise. To God be all wisdom, power and strength…To God be the glory.
Today we gather to worship our Savior, the King of Kings, the Giver of Life, the Creator of All, God’s Perfect Sacrifice. Today we worship our Redeemer, our Deliverer, God’s only Son. Today, we worship Jesus!
We worship a mighty Savior. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our Redeemer and Deliverer. Faithful, righteous and everlasting. He is our Creator, our Messiah…He is Jesus.
What does the Bible say about following Jesus? It tells us to follow Him means to serve him. It tells us to share Him with those around us. It tells us we never walk in darkness and never walk alone. It tells us to take up our cross and walk the path He leads us on. Do you follow?
Today we surrender our all to the King of Kings. Today we enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise. Today we proclaim the mighty name of Jesus. Today…we worship! FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
His body was broken for you. His blood, spilled for you. His very life was poured out…all for you. Today we remember, today we honor, today we worship a Savior who gave everything so we could have life eternal. This is Communion.
We worship an amazing God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our Redeemer, Deliverer and Merciful Friend. The Alpha, Omega, The Beginning and The End. He is worthy to be high and exalted…glorified and praised! Today we worship Jesus, our Everything.
Today we celebrate the greatness of our God. Today we honor the Lord of all creation. Today we gather in His courts, sing His praises and exalt the Lord God Almighty!
This powerful hymn is brought to life with colorful imagery and an original musical arrangement. Blessed assurance…Jesus is mine!
Today, let us celebrate our Savior, our mighty Redeemer. The One who is worthy of all praise. The giver of life, the giver of mercy, the giver of grace…Jesus!
Today, we gather to worship Jesus. Our Savior and King. This is more than simply going to church or singing a song, this is about honoring the one who draws us here. Today, we lift His name high…here in this place.
Today we worship the King of Kings, the Name Above all Names. Today we worship our Savior, our Redeemer. Today we worship the Spotless Lamb, the Great I Am, the Son of God. Today we worship…Jesus!
At the center of a life lived for Jesus, is an attitude of surrender. An authentic desire to abandon everything for the sake of His glory. Orchestrated beautifully to “I Surrender All”, this video is a powerful way to open a time of prayer, intro a message or begin a time of worship.
Psalm 66 is a powerful call to all the Earth, to shout for joy and sing the glory of the great name of God!