• Worship is about giving thanks to God with all our heart. Praising Him as our Refuge and Stronghold. Powerful words from Psalm 9 remind us to give glory to God…who reigns forever!
  • America is a nation in great need of God. We have forgotten our First Love. It’s time to pray for God to remind us that true independence is found only in Him. In his hand rests liberty and in His grace we find Freedom. Let us pray that we can once again become…One Nation Under God.
  • America was built on the lives of heroes. Men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Americans, whose courage became the thread binding the fabric of our Nation. Today we honor those who gave everything. Today, we honor the American Soldier.
  • Today, we thank God for our Mom! We celebrate her love, her patience and her caring. We honor her for loving God and loving us. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • The Bible has a lot to say about Moms. Their wisdom should not be ignored, their hard work and compassion should be revered. Moms should be respected, cared for and loved. This Mother’s Day, let’s take a moment to honor Moms and celebrate the great gift God has given us.
  • Today, we say “Thank You” to our Dads. They’ve picked us up, when we’ve fallen. Held us when we were scared and loved us, even when we let them down. Most of all, we thank them for being an example and showing us Jesus in their lives. Happy Father’s Day Dads!
  • The end of Psalm 118 is a powerful call to worship a worthy God and to live a life of Thanksgiving for the great things He has done for us. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • The blood Jesus shed on the cross changed everything. The filth of sin and the stench of death were washed clean. Through Jesus we can now be whole again. O precious is the flow. That makes me white as snow. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  • Only one is worthy. Only one can claim to be Savior, Redeemer and God. Only one deserves to be worshipped. Jesus alone is worthy of our praise!
  • How often do we forget our identity in Christ? In moments of weakness do we forget where our strength comes from? When we feel alone do we forget we are loved beyond measure? As Christians, we are new creatures! Sin and death no longer enslave us. We have gone from bound to free, death to life…forgotten to forgiven!
  • This is a day of celebration. A day to worship the creator of the universe. A day to rejoice in the good news of Jesus. A day to proclaim, with all our hearts, our God reigns. Today…we celebrate!
  • Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are redeemed. We are restored and washed clean by His precious blood. We are no longer slaves to sin, for the old has gone and the new has come. Through Jesus, we are a new creation!
  • In all things, God is worthy. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the name above all other names! In our homes, jobs, families, schools and churches…in all things, may He be glorified!
  • As we gather in worship, let us lay aside everything standing in the way of our praise to God. Let every breath, every moment and all that is in us be about His glory. Today, let our sacrifice of praise be a moment of complete surrender.
  • Psalm 96 is a powerful call to all creation to worship God, to rejoice before Him and give Him the honor and glory He deserves.
  • We were created to be instruments of praise, built to bring glory to God, formed in His image. Although we are all unique, we were all made to worship!
  • There are so many way to describe Jesus. Faithful, mighty, loving, gracious. He is an amazing Savior, worthy of our praise and devotion. He is beautiful. He is strong. He is righteous. He is magnificent!
  • We live in a time of great division. Lines have been drawn regarding race and gender. Those with less are looked down on by those with more. Many assume the worst about a person based on the color of their skin or the history of their heritage. But, God’s Word is clear about these divisions. It’s clear about discrimination and racism. Salvation through Jesus is available for people of every nation, tribe and tongue. Each one of us, no matter our history or heritage has been created in His image. This is what God sees…the question is; what do you see?
  • Worship is about surrender. Surrender of self, surrender of sin, surrender of everything standing in the way of God having authority over our lives. Today, as we gather to worship, let us present ourselves as living sacrifices…let us worship and surrender.
  • God is awe inspiring in every way. From His grace to His matchless love. From the gift of His Son to the beauty of His creation. He has done so much more than simply change our lives, He has changed our eternities. Today we will stand in awe!
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