Our seasonal videos are a great way to accent any seasonal worship service. From Christmas to Thanksgiving, Easter to Memorial Day, we’ve got you covered.

  • When the work of the cross was finished, the work of Easter began. Death lost its sting. The grave was defeated. The stone was rolled away. In 3 days, Jesus accomplished everything we needed to experience his grace and redeem our eternity. Featuring an original, epic soundtrack, “Easter (He Is Risen)” is a powerful reminder of the Easter story and the saving mercy of our risen Savior.
  • Holy week begins as Jesus arrives triumphantly in Jerusalem. Fulfilling a centuries old prophecy. The people celebrated, shouting; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”. In 7 days, Jesus would once again triumph…this time, over sin and death!
  • A lot has happened in one year. We’ve seen terrorism dominate the news and genocide and war all over the world. We’ve seen the racial divide grow larger by the day and witnessed unspeakable tragedies. Sometimes, life here on earth seems hopeless. As we come to the New Year, we need to stop and ask one question. Where does our hope come from? Real hope is found in God…who makes all things new.
  • The Christmas story comes down to one simple truth. God loved us so much, that He gave Jesus. Because of this, eternity has changed forever. Grace arrived in Bethlehem that night and the world was never the same.
  • Christmas is a time to worship. It’s a time to celebrate the grace God gave us through His only Son Jesus. It’s a time to lift high our Savior and glorify His name. It’s a time to remember God’s mercy and His tremendous love for us. Joy to the world…The Lord is come!
  • Our mother’s hands are always there. They hold us, comfort us, guide us and show us love. They’re there for big and small moments. They hold us up and pick us up when we fall. Our Mother’s hands are a gift from God. Through them, we can feel the love God has for us.
  • Scripture defines love beautifully. It tells us of a patient, hopeful and selfless love. A love that can care for another and make a difference in the world. A love that can honor a savior who loves us more than we could ever comprehend. A love we are capable of because God first loved us.
  • Use this thematic graphic pack for your Holy Week services. Pack includes Palm Sunday, Mandy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday as well as the master PSD file for you to customize. FontsUsed: NORTHWELL -  https://creativemarket.com/SamParrett/907539-Northwell-Font LULO - http://www.freeforfonts.com/lulo-font-free-download/  
  • The resurrection changed everything. Sin had been defeated and death had lost its sting. Our old life, separated from God, could now be renewed. The power of the resurrection made a new life, in Christ Jesus, possible.
  • The new year is a time to rededicate ourselves to the cause of Christ and the glory of God. It’s a time to hit our knees, surrender our will and live out our faith. It’s a time to come before God in worship, giving Him the honor He deserves. This year, it’s time to fix our gaze on Jesus and live life for Him and Him alone.
  • Pastors have answered a call few people have ever received. A calling which requires a sacrifice few people have ever had to make. Take a moment and honor your Pastor for answering that call, for teaching and leading the church and for giving their life to serve God.
  • The birth of our Savior changed everything. It introduced grace, changed our future and altered eternity. God reached down into the world and sent His Son to lead us back home. This Christmas we worship our Savior. We worship Our King. We worship our Messiah. This Christmas, we worship Jesus!
  • It’s Christmas time again. Time for snow angels, snow ball fights and a trip down a white powdered slope. Between the shopping, wrapping, eating and traveling, it’s a miracle we make it out of “The Holiday’s” alive. What if we stopped for a moment and focussed on the real miracle of Christmas? What if we slowed down long enough to worship the Savior, to honor the Messiah, to give glory to the only begotten Son of God? It’s time we realized this is more than a holiday…this is Jesus day…this is Christmas.
  • Pastors carry a burden few people will ever understand. They have answered a call that is incredibly difficult to live out. They have sacrificed much to make the Gospel known to many. Take a moment and honor your Pastor and take a moment to thank God for calling them to lead His church.
  • Welcome

    Visiting a church can be intimidating and even overwhelming. Welcome people to church by letting them know they are among friends and are accepted, cared about and loved.
  • They grew up to fast didn’t they? After years of following in our footsteps, our prayer today is that they would follow in God’s. Yesterday they were just a child, but today they graduate. As they step out into the world, we pray for God to light their path and guard their hearts. Today, we are grateful for the privilege of raising God’s creation!
  • Dear Mom

    Sometimes it's hard to find the words to express just how grateful we are for our Mom. She's taught us, fed us, nurtured us and disciplined us all because she loves us. “Dear Mom” is an open letter of thanks to all the Mom's who ever got up in the middle of the night, sat through a baseball game, fed a hungry group of teenagers or hugged us when we had a broken heart. Sometimes the only thing left to say is thank you.
  • We are a broken and sinful people. People in need of a Savior. Jesus became that for us by allowing His body to be broken and His blood to be poured out on the cross. He gave His life for ours. “What He Did For You” is design for Good Friday, as an intro to a time of communion or for any message focused on the work of the cross.
  • Taken straight from John Chapter 1, “The Light of Christmas” is the holiday version of our video “The Light”. Featuring an original soundtrack and moving visuals, “The Light of Christmas” is a great fit for any Christmas or Advent service.
  • So much has changed since last Easter. The world has been shaken. Life has been disrupted and what we once called normal seems like it may never return. It’s easy to be discouraged when the ground beneath us feels like shifting sand. Now, more than ever, we need to stand on the truth of Easter. A day which changed our eternity and our world forever. Death was defeated, sin was conquered and death was rendered powerless. Today, may we remember the truth of Easter, the power of the resurrection and the promise of eternity. Yes, the world has been shaken, but the grave is still empty and Jesus…is still risen!

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