• A powerful video taken straight from Isaiah 53. He was despised and rejected by mankind, yet he took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sin. He alone bore the punishment which brought us peace. We all like sheep have gone astray, yet the Lord laid on Him…the iniquity of us all.

  • Living with uncertainty can take its toll. The normal day to day is replaced with fear, worry, doubt. When our “normal” is disrupted, our surroundings begin to feel weak, foundations begin to rattle our lives become…disoriented. Even in our darkest moments, when the last thread of hope has unraveled from our being, we must dwell on truth. We must remember, no matter what is happening around us, God is still sovereign. He is not surprised by this moment. Today let us dwell on the truth of Easter. The stone has been rolled away. The grave has been rendered powerless. Death has transformed to life. Night has been overcome by Day. In our fear, He is still risen. In our worry, He is still victorious. In our doubt, He is still alive. When everything seems hopeless…The hope of Easter remains.

  • Your entire Easter service in one beautiful graphic pack. Pack includes 6 different graphics as well as the original .PSD files for you to customize.

  • This Easter Service Pack contains an Easter graphic as well as welcome, offering, events and goodbye slides. Pack also includes the original .PSD files for you to customize.  
  • For generations, people had come and gone. Nations had risen and fallen. Hopelessness prevailed, until an ancient promise was fulfilled. Jesus came to to shine light in the darkness. He carried our transgressions on the cross and defeated sin and death so we could have life. He has overcome the grave. He has defeated death. He is risen!
  • Celebrate our victorious Savior with this beautiful, fast-paced worship intro. This video is a great way to kick off your upcoming Easter services. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Today we celebrate our Risen Savior. The stone has been rolled away, the grave is empty and Jesus is alive! Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is Risen!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Beautiful colors and subtle movement movement make this service pack a great fit for your next time of worship. Pack includes, four motions, eight motion titles, a five minute countdown four still backgrounds and eight still title slides.

  • Today is a celebration, a time of worship. Today we give glory to our Savior. The grave is empty, sin is defeated and death is conquered. Today, we stand in the power of the resurrection!

  • This is a time of celebration. A time to worship the One who conquered sin and death, defeated the grave and reconciled us to God. Easter is about Jesus, our King, our Savior…our Redeemer.
  • What if I told you death was not the end? When your heart stops, eternity starts. Your very last breath is just the beginning. What if I told you death loses? All of this is true because Jesus is alive!
  • At the cross, they thought it was over. Jesus was dead. Hope was lost. Love was dead. Three days later, all of that changed. Jesus was victorious. Sin and death were defeated and hope was restored. Jesus couldn’t stay in the grave, because love is alive!
  • What Jesus did for us should never be forgotten. We should constantly be in a state of remembrance for His gift of grace. God sent His only Son to take our place, bare our penalty and die our death. This is mercy. This is love. This is communion.
  • “Do this in remembrance of Me”...Words we often forget. Communion is not simply about the act of partaking, but also about living a life which remembers the sacrifice of Jesus. “Communion” is a powerful reminder of the importance of the Lord's Supper. Featuring an original soundtrack and moving visuals, this video is a great way to lead into a time of remembrance as well as a great fit for any message or service focused on Communion.  
  • Kick-off your upcoming Easter services with this powerful and energetic Easter intro!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • He was born humbly, lived passionately and died selflessly. Everything Jesus did was done with redemption in mind. But when his life ended, he was only getting started. He rose triumphantly, victorious over sin and death…our eternity, changed forever. He is Jesus, our Savior!

  • A powerful. spoken word journey from the cross, to the grave…to the resurrection. The tension was still palpable. The sight of Jesus, straining under the weight of the cross was etched in memory. This tangible passion, this relentless abandon, this love, this hope…was gone. But Jesus wasn’t finished yet. 3 days later, death gave way to life. The grave lost its claim, the stone was rolled away…mercy had triumphed over sin. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

  • His body was broken for you. His blood, spilled for you. His very life was poured out…all for you. Today we remember, today we honor, today we worship a Savior who gave everything so we could have life eternal. This is Communion.
  • Rise

    Taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection, this powerful call to worship challenges us to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus at Easter…His sacrifice, His mercy, His victory and our redemption!
  • Risen

    Scripture is the centerpiece of this powerful video, taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection. It’s time to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus, the gift of grace and the incredible mercy given to us by the Father. He is not here…He is risen!
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