• Powerful visual of Jesus and the cross make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • The cross, beautiful colors and subtle movement make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • The cross, beautiful colors and subtle movement make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • The cross, beautiful colors and subtle movement make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • The cross, beautiful colors and subtle movement make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • The cross, beautiful colors and subtle movement make this motion a great fit for lyrics or as a stand alone background.
  • What if I told you death was not the end? When your heart stops, eternity starts. Your very last breath is just the beginning. What if I told you death loses? All of this is true because Jesus is alive!
  • At the cross, they thought it was over. Jesus was dead. Hope was lost. Love was dead. Three days later, all of that changed. Jesus was victorious. Sin and death were defeated and hope was restored. Jesus couldn’t stay in the grave, because love is alive!
  • Rise

    Taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection, this powerful call to worship challenges us to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus at Easter…His sacrifice, His mercy, His victory and our redemption!
  • Easter is a time to worship our Savior for His work on the cross and His triumph over sin and death. It’s a day to celebrate our redemption, remember God’s grace and give glory to Jesus. It’s a day to celebrate the moment our eternity changed. Jesus lives!
  • We are undeserving, yet God has loved us. We are unworthy, yet He has shown us mercy. God changed our eternity through the gift of His Son. Because of Jesus, we have a future as bright as Heaven. This is love, this is mercy…This is grace.
  • The work of Jesus on the cross is something we should never forget. His suffering, His body and His blood were given for us. We were bought with a price, redeemed by love and set free from our sins.
  • Risen

    Scripture is the centerpiece of this powerful video, taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection. It’s time to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus, the gift of grace and the incredible mercy given to us by the Father. He is not here…He is risen!
  • Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem marks the beginning of a week that would change everything. A day in which He was celebrated as Messiah, Savior and Redeemer. The precious Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
  • Sin had left us for dead. It had separated us from God and stolen our Hope. But God loved us. Through Jesus, sin has been conquered, death has been defeated and hope has been restored. The grave is empty, the stone has been rolled away…Hope has risen!
  • As Holy Week begins, “Hosanna” is the cry of our hearts. Today, we worship a triumphant Messiah. A Savior willing to give everything to redeem our eternity. Today, we worship Jesus!
  • What Jesus did for us should never be forgotten. We should constantly be in a state of remembrance for His gift of grace. God sent His only Son to take our place, bare our penalty and die our death. This is mercy. This is love. This is communion.
  • Easter is more than just another Sunday. It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than a fancy hat, chocolate bunnies and Marshmallow peeps. Easter is about life. Life renewed, life restored and life redeemed. Easter comes down to a simple truth: Death has lost its sting, the grave has been defeated, He is not here…He is Risen!
  • The resurrection changed everything. Sin had been defeated and death had lost its sting. Our old life, separated from God, could now be renewed. The power of the resurrection made a new life, in Christ Jesus, possible.
  • When the work of the cross was finished, the work of Easter began. Death lost its sting. The grave was defeated. The stone was rolled away. In 3 days, Jesus accomplished everything we needed to experience his grace and redeem our eternity. Featuring an original, epic soundtrack, “Easter (He Is Risen)” is a powerful reminder of the Easter story and the saving mercy of our risen Savior.
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