Welcome people to church by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...where they can belong, find friends and most importantly, experience God.
Fall is here! Time to put away the barbecue, ditch the sunglasses and bust out the sweater collection. It’s time to taxi the kids to school, practice, rehearsals and recitals. Fall can be exhausting. It’s tempting to skip church just so we can catch a break. But, we serve a God who has never once taken a day off from loving us. We belong in community, we belong in accountability, we belong together as the body of Christ. This weekend, make church a priority. Hey, Fall is here…we’ll see you at Church!
Welcome people to church by letting them know they matter, they are cared about and they have a purpose. Let them know they have a found a place they can call home.
Imagine what our communities would look like, if the Church simply acted like the Church. What if we stepped out of our comfort zones, shared our faith, loved people and invited them to experience the same God who changed our lives? It’s time for the church to step into its mission, live in motion and show our communities the love of Jesus.
It’s been a while since we’ve been together and it’s so good to be home! Let’s celebrate The King of Kings and worship the Lord of Lords. This is the day He has made and we will rejoice…together! Welcome Home Church!
Make sure and check out the "It's Been A While" Graphic Pack! -
By the word of The Lord the Heavens were made. Their starry host by the breath of His mouth. Let all the people of the World revere Him, for the plans of The Lord stand firm forever. We wait in hope for The Lord, our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, as we trust his holy name. May His unfailing love be with us as we put our hope in Him. From Psalm 33.