Enhance your service with creative mini movies. These beautiful sermon illustrations and worship intro videos are a great way to begin your next gathering.

  • Each of us has been made differently. We have different gifts and abilities, yet we all share a common purpose. We were created to worship God. It’s our calling to surrender all as a sacrifice of praise and to never forget the worthiness of our God.
  • It’s springtime! Creation is transforming, reminding us of the new life we have in Jesus. Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice as we worship our Creator.
  • You


    Great visuals help declare the worthiness of God in this powerful worship intro.

  • The events of September 11th 2001 changed the world forever. We all remember where we were that day. We remember the chaos, the fear and the loss of life. We remember the birth of new heroes and the resolve of our Nation. Today, let’s be intentional about praying for the families who lost so much. Let’s pray for our nation and let’s ask for God’s influence on our world.
  • Pastors have answered a call few people have ever received. A calling which requires a sacrifice few people have ever had to make. Take a moment and honor your Pastor for answering that call, for teaching and leading the church and for giving their life to serve God.
  • Jesus is the Light of the World. Featuring an original soundtrack and inspiring visuals, this moving representation of John 8:12 is a powerful way to open a time of worship, add scripture to your service or intro your next message. 

  • Today


    Today is the day. Now is the time. God is worthy in this moment. He deserves our praise each and every day. This upbeat worship intro is a great way to kick off your next worship service or event.

  • Remember


    This powerful video is focused on the work of Jesus on the cross and our call to remember His sacrifice through communion.

  • This powerful worship intro speaks to the fact that worship is the result of a heart consumed by the love of God. Featuring an original soundtrack, “This Is My Heart”, is a perfect way to kick off your next worship service or event. 

  • God deserves glory, honor and praise. He is worthy, every moment of every day. Psalm 96 puts into words that call, to recognize God as glorious, mighty and worthy of praise.  
  • Today Is

    It doesn't matter what day or what time it is. It is always time to engage God in worship. Through our actions, our relationships and our day to day lives, we need to make the decision to honor God in and through everything we do. This is what it takes for our lives to be a sacrifice of praise. Today is...an act of worship.  
  • God is worthy of our worship, every moment of every day. He invites us to enter His presence and surrender our all as a sacrifice of praise. This powerful worship intro serves a reminder of God's worth and is a great fit for any Sunday service or worship experience.  
  • Have you ever wondered what hope truly is? It's more than a wish or a desire. Hope is the response of a heart longing for God. Hope is waiting for our Savior to return and knowing He's returning for us. Hope is about trusting in a God who has never let us down. That's what hope is.  
  • “Do this in remembrance of Me”...Words we often forget. Communion is not simply about the act of partaking, but also about living a life which remembers the sacrifice of Jesus. “Communion” is a powerful reminder of the importance of the Lord's Supper. Featuring an original soundtrack and moving visuals, this video is a great way to lead into a time of remembrance as well as a great fit for any message or service focused on Communion.  
  • We are called to worship. No matter when, no matter where, our lives should be lived out as an act of praise. “My Time to Worship” declares this truth and reminds us, the time to worship is right now.

  • Psalm 33


    Straight from scripture, this powerful worship intro captures the heart behind Psalm 33.

  • Sometimes, life can get the way of our call to worship. We forget about God in the midst of the day to day. “An Act of Worship” captures this struggle and challenges us to live our lives...our whole lives in worship to Him.

  • This Veteran’s Day, take a moment to honor the brave men and women who have served, fought and sacrificed for our freedom.
  • Worthy

    How often do we stop and think about the worth of God? How often do we worship Him. How often do we sing His praises? The reality is, He never stops being worthy. He deserves to be honored and worshipped every moment of every day. How much is God worth to you?
  • Inspired by Psalm 100, this worship intro is a great way to start your next service or worship event.

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