• Today let us enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Let us sing to God with our whole hearts. Let us give thanks out of gratitude and worship Him with everything we are. For He is good!

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  • Today we celebrate the greatness of our God. Today we honor the Lord of all creation. Today we gather in His courts, sing His praises and exalt the Lord God Almighty!
  • Today we worship a great God who is worthy of praise. A Savior who is high and exalted. Today we long for His presence and offer our all as a living sacrifice. To we stand and proclaim the matchless name of Jesus!

  • Today we stand and worship our Savior. We give Him glory for His grace and mercy. Today we stand in awe of our amazing God and proclaim the mighty name of Jesus!

  • Life is busy. Things can get intense from time to time. Our attention is captured by current events or brief moments that distract from what’s important. As we walk this path, our focus shifts, our gaze begins to wander and life itself.., gets a bit blurry. That’s what chaos does. It diverts our eyes from looking at Jesus. It steals our gaze and distorts our view. But this is not how God intended us to live, for He is the peace in the chaos, the calm in the storm, the anchor in the rising sea. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, we can walk through anything this life has to offer.

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  • Today, no matter where you are, no matter your circumstances, whether you’re gathering together or watching online, today, is the time to worship. Today is the time to give glory to our Savior. For God is worthy of our praise!

  • There is none like Jesus. For He alone is holy, He alone is worthy to receive glory, honor and praise. He is the name above all names…and there is none greater!

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  • Worship isn’t about a Sunday morning experience or spending 30 minutes singing songs. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice to honor God. Worship is more than music or church, it’s about how we live our lives. It’s choosing God in every moment of every day.
  • So often, we tend to make our worship experiences about us. Our preferences, our style, our desires. The reality is, worship is about Jesus. It’s about His worth, His glory, His renown. Today, let’s put ourselves aside. Let’s lay our lives down as a sacrifice of praise and give the glory to a God who deserves it all. This isn’t about us…This is about Jesus!
  • Today we worship the King of Kings…our Savior, our Lord, our Redeemer. Today we worship the one who changed our eternity and replaced our guilt with grace. Today we worship Jesus!
  • This powerful worship intro speaks to the fact that worship is the result of a heart consumed by the love of God. Featuring an original soundtrack, “This Is My Heart”, is a perfect way to kick off your next worship service or event. 

  • A powerful prayer of gratitude, surrender and worship to start your next service.

  • This beautiful Psalm is a testimony to the greatness of God’s creation. It’s a powerful call to worship the majesty of His Name.

  • Shout for joy to The Lord all the Earth. Worship Him with gladness and joyful songs. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For He is good and this is Thanksgiving!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Thanksgiving is a day for us to remember all the great things of God. His grace and mercy. His love for His creation. His Son, sacrificed in our place. As Christians we have much to be thankful for. Let’s honor God with an offering of Thanksgiving. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This is the moment. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. This is the moment!
  • Today belongs to Jesus. It’s a day he has made. A day for us to rejoice in Him and worship Him for all He is and all He has done. It’s a day to surrender and approach His throne with humility. It’s a day to praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Today and is His day!
  • Today, we gather to worship Jesus. Our Savior and King. This is more than simply going to church or singing a song, this is about honoring the one who draws us here. Today, we lift His name high…here in this place.
  • Today we enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. He alone is worthy of our gratitude…This Thanksgiving.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Use this fun, high-energy intro to kick off your next Student Service or Worship Event.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
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