• We are an imperfect people. We struggle, fail, and fall short, just like everyone else. We wander this world, one step at a time, moment by moment, place to place, walking the path laid out before us. We strive for righteousness but miss the mark. We seek God but lose our focus. We want to love deeply but often forget how that works. We are a broken people, made whole only by the hand of God. In the end, our life is about one thing, Jesus. And although we don’t pursue Him perfectly, we still pursue Him. One day.. at a time.

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  • Life is busy. Things can get intense from time to time. Our attention is captured by current events or brief moments that distract from what’s important. As we walk this path, our focus shifts, our gaze begins to wander and life itself.., gets a bit blurry. That’s what chaos does. It diverts our eyes from looking at Jesus. It steals our gaze and distorts our view. But this is not how God intended us to live, for He is the peace in the chaos, the calm in the storm, the anchor in the rising sea. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, we can walk through anything this life has to offer.

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