Enhance your next Church service with one of our video illustrations. These powerful videos are a great way to intro a message or intro a time of worship.

  • So much is different this year. There is an uncertainty in the air. As a new school year begins, let us rest in the truth of God’s faithfulness. Let us stand firm on His promise to never leave us or forsake us. Lord, we ask for your presence and protection over our children this school year.

  • 23


    A beautiful visual representation of the 23rd Psalm, revealing God’s love, protection and provision for His sheep.

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  • Welcome people to church by letting them know they are among friends, in a place where they are cared about and loved.

  • Each day, from the moment we wake up, we have choices to make. Some choices are simple, while others require more thought and consideration. Some choices can change the course of your day, while others are nearly meaningless. But as we walk through the next 24 hours, there is one choice we’ll make over and over again…Who will we serve? It’s a choice about priorities and faithfulness. It’s about choosing to live out the call God has placed on our lives and to take each step for His glory. Today, there are never-ending opportunities for us to make an eternal difference in the world around us. We simply need to decide to do so. The choice…is ours.

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  • It’s hard to imagine where I’d be without you Dad. The truth is, I’ve learned so much by simply watching you. I’ve learned what it means to care about people and put others before myself. I’ve learned how to live a life of integrity and have the heart of a servant. I’ve learned to honor God in all I do and seek His will for my life. As I look back I can see moment after moment where your strength, your wisdom, and your love made all the difference. There is so much of you I carry with me, memories I treasure and lessons I cherish. Today Dad, I want to say thank you and let you know just how much…I love you. Happy Father’s Day!

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  • Today we give thanks for a woman who has loved us unconditionally. A woman whose wisdom helped guide our steps. A woman who picked us up when we fell down. A woman who has been the light of Christ in our lives. Today, we give thanks for our Mom!

  • As we begin a New Year, let us remember that each one of us is called to worship our amazing God. A God whose mercies are new every morning. The old is gone, the new is here…It’s a new year to worship!
  • Welcome people to church by letting them know they welcome, cared about and loved. This Church, filled with friendly people, is a place to call home.

  • Love is a powerful thing. It can change a heart, change a life and change an eternity. Love shows us God’s character and show us what we are called to be. When it comes down to it, it’s really a question of loving others the way Christ has loved us.

  • As a new school year begins, let’s take a moment to ask for God’s guidance and protection over our children. That He would light their path and show them how to be examples of His love.

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  • A world filled with people. Each one unique. Moved by various passions and filled with distinct gifts. No two lives are the same. Though their journeys may intersect, one’s path is their own. Each has their own voice, their own drive, and their own purpose. Too often, our uniqueness becomes a barrier. Our differences become divisive. The very things which make us individuals become stepping stones towards inequality, prejudice, and hatred. Yet there is one thing we have in common, we were all created in the image of God. At our very core, beneath the quirks and idiosyncrasies. Regardless of race or social status, we are all God’s handiwork. Fearfully and wonderfully made by a passionate Creator. A beautiful part of His creation. A tapestry designed to be at its most vibrant in unity.

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  • This Advent worship service intro brings scripture to life with beautiful graphics and a moving soundtrack. A truly powerful way to begin any Advent service.

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  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. Now is the time for us to step up and fulfill our mission.

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  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. It’s our time to share Jesus with those around us. To let them know they are loved. To show them there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and light in the midst of darkness. It’s time to climb the mountaintops and proclaim… in one loud voice…He is risen. He is risen indeed!

  • It’s a new year. A fresh start. A Chance to begin again. This year, let’s make it our purpose to live more like Jesus. To walk in His will, to love His Word, and to share His truth with the world around us. Let’s love God more and seek His glory in all that we do. Let’s make this year all about Jesus!

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  • Today is a beautiful day of celebration. A day to honor the Women who have shaped us nurtured us and walked us through life. It’s a day to say thanks to all the moms. Moms with toddlers tearing through the house, and moms whose babies have moved away. Moms who are doing this all by themselves, and moms who loved a child in need. Moms who have suffered unimaginable loss, and moms whose children are moms themselves. For all the times your love made things better and the moments your wisdom made things clear. For the way, you lived as an example so we could see Jesus through you. For each and every memory that has lit the path we walk, we say thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

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  • This Father’s Day, celebrate all the things that make our Dads amazing and let them know how much they are loved.

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  • Amazed

    Today we lift Jesus on High. Our exalted Redeemer is righteous and magnified. Worthy of worship, worthy of praise. Today we stand and sing…today we stand amazed!
  • As we gather together, let us remember why we’re here. To celebrate, honor and magnify an Awesome God, Glorious Savior, Beautiful Messiah and Amazing King.

  • A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.
  • A moving prayer for Independence Day, reminding us that true independence is found in the arms of our Savior.

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  • Anxious


    Philippians 4:6-7 is beautifully brought to life with this powerful and moving video. “…and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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  • Today, all over the world, we are gathering. In large groups and small, in different places, speaking different languages. In buildings and schools, empty spaces and open fields, in our homes and on our phones. Some come together in freedom, while others must meet in secret. Some will sing the old hymns, while others are singing something new. We will all learn different things from the same Bible and worship the same God in different ways. We are the Church, the body of Christ. Different pieces molded together by the hand of God. Today, all over the world, we are gathering as one.

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  • Baptism is an outward expression of an inward awakening. A chance to show everyone the power of salvation through Jesus Christ. This moving video is a great lead in to your next baptism celebration.

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  • It’s not like it used to be…when we were kids. The pressures, the expectations, the uncertainty. It seems like being young grows more difficult each year, and being a parent comes with an ever increasing level of anxiety. Join together in prayer as we ask God to watch over our children during the upcoming school year.

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  • Today we gather to lift high the mighty name of Jesus. To sing his praises and make His glory known. Today we exalt our creator because He alone is worthy of our praise!

  • Our thought life can be incredibly destructive. At times, we allow our minds to wander and wonder about things we shouldn’t even consider. Take a look at what Scripture has to say about controlling our thoughts and having minds which glorify God. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Sometimes the journey is difficult. The valleys can be dark and the way out can be painful. It’s easy to find ourselves living in fear, wondering what’s coming at us next. As Christ Followers, we don’t have to live that way. We can stand courageous, no matter the circumstance, knowing our hope, our faith, and our confidence is found in Jesus. It’s time to live a fearless faith. It’s time to be…BRAVE! FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Life can be heavy. A burden which at times seems unbearable. It’s easy to find ourselves overwhelmed, weighed down, or even crushed. It’s hard to breathe under the weight of our anxieties. It’s difficult to move forward when we’re anchored to our worries. But God loves us too much to let us live this way. He wants to replace our anxiety with hope, our fear with courage, our worries with peace, and our burdens with freedom. We serve a faithful God. A God who has offered to carry our burdens and asks us to cast all our cares on Him.

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  • Today we celebrate Dads and say “thank you” for loving, guiding, encouraging, and inspiring us. Today is a day to let them know just how much they are loved. Happy Father’s Day Dads!

  • We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a purpose, a calling, a mandate and a mission. Even in these uncertain times, that calling remains the same. To go into the world, make disciples and share the love of Jesus. This is the work of Easter. The power of the resurrection in action. What Jesus did has changed us, made us a new creation and given us an unimaginable hope. So why keep all of that to ourselves? It’s time to put Easter in motion. To make a difference and share Jesus with the world around us. If your life has been changed…It’s time to get to work.

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  • Many of us have been doing church differently. Sunday mornings have become a bit more casual, living rooms and coffee shops have become sanctuaries and fellowship has a new, less personal touch. It hasn’t been easy, yet here we are. Gathering, worshipping, learning…being the Church. Now, more than ever, we are reminded of a simple truth. The Church is not a building, it is the body of Christ. It isn’t built with brick and mortar, but with faith…and hope. In the midst of uncertainty, our calling remains the same. To share the truth of the Gospel with a world God loves. Throughout history The Church has prospered in difficult times. And today is no different. We are still the church…We’re just doing things a bit differently.

  • Clay


    We are like clay, pliable, movable…moldable. In the hands of the Creator, we can be changed, made beautiful…given life. The formless takes shape.The unrecognizable finds its identity.The meaningless is given purpose. From nothing…comes beauty. We are like clay. Each piece different than the next, given unlimited potential…In the hands of the Potter.

  • With a heart of gratitude, we honor our Savior. With an overwhelming love, we offer Him our praise. Today, we give thanks to God for all He is and all He has done. Today, we come before Him with Thanksgiving. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • His body was broken for you. His blood, poured out for you. His life, given…all for you. Today we remember, today we honor, today we worship a Savior who gave everything so we could have life eternal. This is Communion.

  • This Ash Wednesday, take time to reflect, confess and remember all Jesus has done and all He has endured to bring us grace.

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  • Lent is a time of repentance. A time to reflect, confess and remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.

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