• Honor graduation with this moving video, reminding them that God has a plan for their life. A plan with a future and a hope.

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  • It was a moment unlike any other. A night where the grace of God was on full display. Where love overcame the crimson stain…the sin, which made communion with God impossible. The creator, was longing for His creation. That night in Bethlehem, under a starry sky, Jesus was born. Our Savior, Our Messiah…grace in a manger.

  • It was a night unlike any other. When love reached down and mercy touched Earth. That night in Bethlehem, eternity changed…forever. Jesus, God’s only Son. Our King, our Messiah…grace among us. (Part of the "Grace Among Us" Sermon Series Pack.)

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  • Today, we remember the unstoppable love of Jesus. A love which led to the cross. A love which changed our eternity. Today we stop and remember His body, His blood…His sacrifice.

  • Have you ever wandered the valley? Those moments where you feel lost, wounded or broken. You look around and see an endless journey. Surrounded on all sides, cut off from the surface above. The loneliness is palpable and the fear is real. But even here, God remains. For nothing can separate us from His love. Neither height or depth. Here in this chasm, in the midst of the struggle, we can find peace. We can find security. We can find hope. For we are not alone. He will never leave us and He will never forsake us. For He is the God of the Valley.

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  • Freedom


    Freedom. It’s something we cherish in this country. The idea of a free society is embedded into the very core of our Nation. Many have died defending it, and many have fought diligently to preserve it. So where has it gone? We have become a nation bound by division, chained by hatred, and consumed by selfishness. Does this look like freedom? The Bible tells us we are called to be free. But it also says to use that freedom to serve one another humbly, in love. Maybe that’s what we’re missing in America. Today we celebrate Independence Day. Perhaps it’s time we recognize that true independence is found only in a lasting dependence on God. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.

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  • Fragile


    Life is fragile. It’s a fact we are learning in real time…every day. What we once called normal has seemingly disappeared. There is uncertainty in the air, restlessness in our hearts. Our usual day to day has evolved into this odd chaos. Many have lost jobs, security and those they love. The pain is undeniable. But what if our fragility caused us to lean harder into God? What if, in our our weakness, we chose to rely more on His strength? Would our outlook change? Would the peace which passes understanding begin to drown out the noise of this moment? We are not promised tomorrow, but we are given a simple truth to stand on: Our God goes before us. He will never leave us, He will never forsake us. Yes, life is fragile…But in our weakness, He is strong.

  • This moving and powerful video asks some important and difficult questions. When did we forget how to love? Did it happen sudden, or was it a gradual decline? When did we forget the very foundation of the Gospel? For God so…loved. Love is what moved God to action. Love is what held Jesus to the cross. Love is what rolled away the stone…but we’ve forgotten that part. Without love, we are simply a resounding gong, a clanging cymbal, a bunch of noise. Without love…we are nothing. Is that what people see in us…meaningless, empty, noise? Maybe it’s time the Church…was more like Jesus.

  • The powerful benediction from Jude 24-25 is brought to life with this beautiful and moving video. Forevermore is a great addition to any time of worship or teaching.

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  • Remember the sacrifice of our Savior…For He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. Upon Him was the punishment that brought us peace.

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  • America was built on the lives of heroes. Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Today we honor those who gave everything. Today, we honor our heroes.

  • This upbeat, high energy call to worship is a great way to start your next service or worship event.

  • This powerful Christmas mini movie is a beautiful reminder of the gift of grace given to us that morning in Bethlehem. For God so loved the world.

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  • Hebrews 12 challenges us to throw off all that hinders us from pursuing Jesus, to leave behind the sin which so easily entangles us. We are taught to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Let this scripture challenge you to live out your faith with an unquenchable passion.

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  • Join the call to prayer as we seek God’s hand on our lives and our nation.

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  • Life isn’t easy. We all have moments of struggle, hopelessness, and despair. The day to day can begin to take its toll and before we know it…We’re consumed. Overwhelmed by stress. Surrounded by fear. Unable to see the light through the darkness. It’s no wonder we lose our joy, and forget what peace actually feels like. But there is a way for hope to break through our walls. A way for our faith to be renewed. A way for comfort to surround us. We can once again feel the light shine brightly on our face. We can experience the warmth of God’s love and watch the darkness be overcome. For it’s in the light of Jesus…We find peace.

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  • Thankfulness can be hard to come by. Circumstances, brokenness, frustration all get in the way. It can be difficult to see God through the fog. You want to believe God is in control, but you look around and see…chaos. How do you give thanks in such a moment? When we’re in our darkest moment, God promises to never leave us or forsake us. When our faith is shaken to its core, our God remains faithful. The World will ebb and flow, but if we run with endurance the race set before us…If we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…We will find Thanksgiving.

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  • Today we give thanks for all the Fathers, the grandfathers, the Father figures who helped shape us. The men whose strength and courage have been pillars for us to lean on. The men whose faithfulness has laid down an example for us to live by. The men who showed us how to love Jesus with an unquenchable passion. For loving us, guiding us, leading us, and showing us Jesus. Today, we say thank you…We love you Dad!

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  • A beautiful opening prayer to begin your next service or time of worship.

  • America is a nation in great need of God. A Nation which has lost sight of the principles on which we were founded. Today we remember that true independence is found in our dependence on God. We humbly pray for God to hear His people…and heal our land.

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