• Honor Mom’s everywhere with this beautiful Mother’s Day video.

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  • Last week we celebrated Easter. We remembered the resurrection, and we worshipped a Savior who defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity forever. Now, the work begins. The miracle of Easter was never meant to be kept secret. It was never meant to be quiet. Instead, it was meant to change hearts and lead people…to Jesus. For even now the echoes of the resurrection remind us our work is not finished. For our mandate remains the same. To share the hope of Jesus, the love of our Savior, and the life-changing power of the resurrection to the ends of the Earth. This is our calling. This is our mission. This is the work of Easter.

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  • Al comenzar la Semana Santa, clamamos en adoración a Jesús, nuestro Rey, nuestro Mesías, nuestro Redentor, nuestro Salvador.

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  • El Cordero de Dios. Sin mancha, sin culpa, un sacrificio perfecto por nuestros pecados. Su cuerpo fue quebrado, su sangre derramada, su vida fue entregada por nosotros. La obra de la cruz está terminada.

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  • Look around, it doesn’t take long to recognize the brokenness surrounding us. The pain we are witnessing is real, and the need for a Savior is undeniable. It’s this need which broke the heart of God and moved Him to do the unimaginable. For God so loved the world he sent His only Son, to change our eternity. To be our perfect sacrifice. Today, as we face so many unknowns, may we remember the simple truth of Easter. The stone’s been rolled away. The grave is empty. Jesus is alive…and love has risen!

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  • Refuge


    Sometimes we live life in the middle of a storm. Left out in the open and exposed to the elements. No matter where we look, protection seems miles away. Shelter feels out of reach. Lately, these storms have grown stronger, more difficult to bear. Where do we look when we can’t see the way forward? In the midst of the ebb and flow, God promises to be our refuge and our strength. In our most desperate moments, we can rest safely behind the Rock of our salvation. Yes, life has its troubles, but our God is a mighty fortress. Our stronghold and our refuge

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  • Lent is a time of repentance. A time to reflect, confess and remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.

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  • Today we celebrate our Risen Savior. The stone has been rolled away, the grave is empty and Jesus is alive! Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is Risen!

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  • Can you imagine what it would be like if there wasn’t love? What would life become? Without love, there would be no compassion, no comfort, no peace. Without love, there would be no caring, no giving, no kindness. Without love, we would be consumed by selfishness. Without love, grace would have never been offered and mercy would be unimaginable. When you add love to the equation, everything changes.

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  • New


    The New Year is often a time of reflection. A chance to look back on the past 365 days and remember. Sometimes the memories bring a smile and other times they break our hearts. Chances are, you’ve experienced a bit of both this past year. The New Year is also a time to look ahead. To imagine what could be. To scan the horizon with expectation and seek God’s guiding hand. It’s a time to strive for better. To live louder, love stronger, and be more of who God has created us to be. It’s an opportunity for new beginnings. A chance to start fresh, pursue God with a renewed passion, and press on with all our hearts. The truth is, God has been faithful this past year and that faithfulness promises to carry us through the next. As a new year begins may we remember this one simple truth; In Christ, we are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.

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  • It was a night unlike any other. When love reached down and mercy touched Earth. That night in Bethlehem, eternity changed…forever. Jesus, God’s only Son. Our King, our Messiah…grace among us. (Part of the "Grace Among Us" Sermon Series Pack.)

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  • We used to wander, stuck in our brokenness. We didn’t know it yet, but we needed grace. While we were lost in darkness, God was consumed by love. A love which led Him to do the unimaginable. A love which would cost Him his Son. One night in Bethlehem, the heart of Christmas began beating with a rhythm that would change the world. Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior…was born. Love in the flesh. Grace in a manger. Today we celebrate that moment. We worship our Messiah and we stand in awe of the life-changing gift God has given us. Jesus…the true heart of Christmas.

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  • Today we are thankful. We’re thankful for a faithful God and a beautiful Savior. We’re grateful for His unstoppable love and His unrelenting mercy. Today we give thanks to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…Today we are thankful!

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  • Today we are thankful. We give thanks to God for His love, His mercy, and His faithfulness. We give thanks for family and friends, life and laughter, and the little things which bring joy to our lives. We give thanks for our circumstances even when they’re difficult. For we know the hand of God guides us through it all. But what if we remembered thankfulness every day? What if we lived in a constant state of gratitude? Would our lives be different? Would our faith be strengthened? Would the things of God permeate every aspect of our lives? The Bible tells us to give thanks in everything. What would life look like if we actually lived that out? Today we are reminded of all we have to be thankful for. May that gratitude move our hearts and cause us to make every day Thanksgiving.

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  • In the midst of uncertainty, our faith can struggle, our walk becomes labored, and our heart heavy. There’s something about the unknown which seems to weaken us. It drains our patience and blurs our focus. Yet, in the middle of everything stands a faithful God. A God who is not swayed by the struggle and isn’t moved by the winds of chaos. A God who remains faithful even when our faith is fragile. It seems more difficult than ever to not worry about tomorrow, yet that’s exactly what God has asked us to do. For when we cast our burdens on Him, the troubles of the moment begin to fade. When we trust the plans He has for us, our fear begins to subside. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, our focus becomes consumed by clarity. Yes, we are in the midst of uncertainty, but we can be certain of one thing…God is faithful, and that is more than enough for tomorrow.

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  • Creation…the artistry of God on full display. His wonders painted in vibrant colors. His majesty captured in His workmanship. His power evident through His design. His glory clearly visible. His greatness undeniable. Look around you…what do you see?

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  • As a new school year begins, let’s take a moment to ask for God’s guidance and protection over our children. That He would light their path and show them how to be examples of His love.

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  • Welcome people to church by letting them know they are in a place where they are cared about and loved.

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  • Most of us remember that day, it’s etched in our minds. A permanent reminder of tragedy. We all watched helplessly as lives were lost, heroes were born, and a nation was forever changed. Through that pain, we witnessed the resolve of a Nation. We saw chaos give birth to courage, fear transform into fortitude, and destruction give way to determination. In the midst of the brokenness, freedom stood immovable. Today we remember those we lost. We honor the heroes who saved so many and grieve with the families who have suffered so much. It’s been 20 years, but we still remember…And we will never forget.

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  • The Work


    Look around you, there is so much to do. This world is in no condition for us to simply sit back and watch. There is a tangible desperate need for Jesus, a glimpse of hope in the midst of hopelessness. Jesus experienced this need first hand and filled him with compassion. He turned to His disciples and said…“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” This alone…should stir our hearts. We have a calling to make a difference. To share the truth of the Gospel and be a light in the darkness. This is the mission of The Church. It’s time for us to look beyond ourselves, to turn our focus to the field, and passionately share the love of Jesus. Look around you, there is so much to do…Are you ready to do the work?

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