• Living with uncertainty can take its toll. The normal day to day is replaced with fear, worry, doubt. When our “normal” is disrupted, our surroundings begin to feel weak, foundations begin to rattle our lives become…disoriented. Even in our darkest moments, when the last thread of hope has unraveled from our being, we must dwell on truth. We must remember, no matter what is happening around us, God is still sovereign. He is not surprised by this moment. Today let us dwell on the truth of Easter. The stone has been rolled away. The grave has been rendered powerless. Death has transformed to life. Night has been overcome by Day. In our fear, He is still risen. In our worry, He is still victorious. In our doubt, He is still alive. When everything seems hopeless…The hope of Easter remains.

  • A powerful video taken straight from Isaiah 53. He was despised and rejected by mankind, yet he took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sin. He alone bore the punishment which brought us peace. We all like sheep have gone astray, yet the Lord laid on Him…the iniquity of us all.

  • Today we worship a great God who is worthy of praise. A Savior who is high and exalted. Today we long for His presence and offer our all as a living sacrifice. To we stand and proclaim the matchless name of Jesus!

  • Today we stand and worship our Savior. We give Him glory for His grace and mercy. Today we stand in awe of our amazing God and proclaim the mighty name of Jesus!

  • Today is a celebration, a time of worship. Today we give glory to our Savior. The grave is empty, sin is defeated and death is conquered. Today, we stand in the power of the resurrection!

  • So what are you thankful for? You’d think that would be an easy question to answer. Yet how often does the speed of life blind us? How often are the blessings we experience blurred by the chaos we walk in? While we’re busy trying to keep up, do we fail to recognize all we have to be grateful for? Life has a way of chiseling away at a heart of gratitude. But what if we could stop, pause in the moment, and recognize the incredible work of God which surrounds us? What if the intensity of the day to day could be stilled by the peace of thanksgiving? What if we could practice the words of Scripture and give thanks in everything? Perhaps these are the questions we need to ask ourselves so we can begin to see the beauty of a life spent giving thanks.

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  • How do we say thank you to those who gave everything? How do we honor the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom? We say thank you, by remembering. Today we honor our heroes. Lives given, not in vain, but with purpose. We stand grateful for their courage, their strength, and their resolve. For the fabric of America is stitched together by the thread of the brave. Today we remember…and we will never forget.

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  • Today, no matter where you are, no matter your circumstances, whether you’re gathering together or watching online, today, is the time to worship. Today is the time to give glory to our Savior. For God is worthy of our praise!

  • We used to wander, stuck in our brokenness. We didn’t know it yet, but we needed grace. While we were lost in darkness, God was consumed by love. A love which led Him to do the unimaginable. A love which would cost Him his Son. One night in Bethlehem, the heart of Christmas began beating with a rhythm that would change the world. Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior…was born. Love in the flesh. Grace in a manger. Today we celebrate that moment. We worship our Messiah and we stand in awe of the life-changing gift God has given us. Jesus…the true heart of Christmas.

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  • Scripture is brought to life with this powerful video based on Hebrews 4:12. The Word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword.

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  • The Work


    Look around you, there is so much to do. This world is in no condition for us to simply sit back and watch. There is a tangible desperate need for Jesus, a glimpse of hope in the midst of hopelessness. Jesus experienced this need first hand and filled him with compassion. He turned to His disciples and said…“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” This alone…should stir our hearts. We have a calling to make a difference. To share the truth of the Gospel and be a light in the darkness. This is the mission of The Church. It’s time for us to look beyond ourselves, to turn our focus to the field, and passionately share the love of Jesus. Look around you, there is so much to do…Are you ready to do the work?

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  • Based on Psalm 139, this powerful video speaks to God’s overwhelming love, care and protection over His people. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I hide from your presence? If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me.

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  • We’ve seen a lot this year. Hatred and division, acceptance and hope. Through it all, the one constant, has been Jesus. He has never left us or forsaken us. He is the same today as He was yesterday. Our strength when we are weak and our courage when we are afraid. As we begin a New Year, let us strive to be more like Jesus. To love more, serve better, stand stronger and care constantly. This is our calling…This is a New Year!

  • A beautiful, short intro for week one of Advent. Part of the “This Is Advent” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “This Is Advent” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week three of Advent. Part of the “This Is Advent” collection.
  • A beautiful, short intro for week two of Advent. Part of the “This Is Advent” collection.
  • America is at its best when we seek after the face of God. We are a Nation in need of the arms of our Savior, the one place true independence is found. One Nation under God…this is America!

  • We were lost in darkness, in desperate need of a Savior. Separated from God. But God loved us with an unstoppable love. A love which cost Him dearly. For God so loved the World, He sent His only Son. That night in Bethlehem, grace arrived and changed everything. This is Christ the Lord.

  • His body was broken for you. His blood poured out and His life given…all for you. This is love. This is grace. This is Good Friday.

  • Without the grace of God, we are ruined. Lost in the darkness of sin. Shackled to an eternity separated from our Creator. But Jesus changed everything. Transforming the darkness to light, the broken to whole and the lost to found. The mercy of God can change a life, change a circumstance and change an eternity. This is grace!
  • One of our most popular Valentine’s Day videos, with updated visuals and a remastered soundtrack. Love is a life changer. It can mend the broken hearted, comfort the needy, reach the discarded and change eternity. Love is God defined…the manifestation of His character. Love is what God has called us to be. This is love.

  • A powerful prayer of gratitude, surrender and worship to start your next service.

  • It was the day the Church became the Church. Gathered together, worshipping together, in awe…together. It was the day the Church was unified, touched by the Holy Spirit. It was Pentecost.

  • This beautiful Psalm is a testimony to the greatness of God’s creation. It’s a powerful call to worship the majesty of His Name.

  • Shout for joy to The Lord all the Earth. Worship Him with gladness and joyful songs. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For He is good and this is Thanksgiving!

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  • A powerful video about the Word of God…A lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

  • The love of a Mom can not be measured. Its bond is unbreakable, its care is unending. The love of a mom is an undeniable treasure, a gift from the hand of God. Today we celebrate Mom!

  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

  • A powerful. spoken word journey from the cross, to the grave…to the resurrection. The tension was still palpable. The sight of Jesus, straining under the weight of the cross was etched in memory. This tangible passion, this relentless abandon, this love, this hope…was gone. But Jesus wasn’t finished yet. 3 days later, death gave way to life. The grave lost its claim, the stone was rolled away…mercy had triumphed over sin. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

  • Today we enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. For The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. He alone is worthy of our gratitude…This Thanksgiving.

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  • Our hearts are broken for this world. The hatred is palpable, the division undeniable, and the pain runs deep. We desperately need more of God. We need His truth to be louder than the noise which surrounds us, His mercy to be stronger than the voices of oppression, and His strength to overpower those who seek to do harm. Today we pray for unity where there is division, peace where there is anger, and victory where there is evil. It’s time for the Church to step up, answer our calling and be the light God created us to be and long for His love, grace, and mercy to flood this world.

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  • A beautiful visual representation of Isaiah 40:31. Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint.

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  • For God so loved the World, you…and me. He loved us with an indescribable, unrelenting love. A love aimed at bringing us home. As a prodigal returns to their Father, so to could we return…to our Creator. Through Jesus we can have life…life eternal. This love shines a light…guiding us into the arms of our Savior. For God so loved the World.

  • Today we say thanks to Mom for loving us, guiding us, encouraging us, protecting us, and showing us what it means to love Jesus. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!

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  • Today we celebrate the women who have watched over us, taken care of us, and walked us through life. It’s a day to say thank you to every Mom. Moms with children running through the house, and Moms whose kids are all grown up. Moms who are walking this road all by themselves, and Moms who have loved a child in need. Moms who have suffered terrible loss, and Moms whose children have become Moms themselves. For all the times your love made our lives better, and the moments your lessons made our paths clear. For the way you showed us Jesus by simply being yourself, and for every memory along the way. We say thank you. Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • The powerful benediction from Ephesians 3:20-21 is brought to life with this beautiful and moving video. A great addition to any time of worship or teaching.

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  • Today we honor the brave men and women who have served our country and defended our freedom. You are the thread woven through the heart of our nation. Thank you Veterans!

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  • Today is the day. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. Today is the day!

  • Today we are thankful. We’re thankful for a faithful God and a beautiful Savior. We’re grateful for His unstoppable love and His unrelenting mercy. Today we give thanks to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…Today we are thankful!

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