• Honor graduation with this moving video, reminding them that God has a plan for their life. A plan with a future and a hope.

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  • Scripture is brought to life with this powerful video based on Hebrews 4:12. The Word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword.

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  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

  • Today we say thanks to Mom for loving us, guiding us, encouraging us, protecting us, and showing us what it means to love Jesus. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!

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  • Life isn’t easy. We all have moments of struggle, hopelessness, and despair. The day to day can begin to take its toll and before we know it…We’re consumed. Overwhelmed by stress. Surrounded by fear. Unable to see the light through the darkness. It’s no wonder we lose our joy, and forget what peace actually feels like. But there is a way for hope to break through our walls. A way for our faith to be renewed. A way for comfort to surround us. We can once again feel the light shine brightly on our face. We can experience the warmth of God’s love and watch the darkness be overcome. For it’s in the light of Jesus…We find peace.

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  • Lent is a time of repentance. A time to prepare our hearts for Easter. A time to reflect, confess and remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.

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  • Whole


    We were broken, sinful and wretched. A stain soaked deep into the fabric of humanity. Consumed by death, covered in darkness, lost in the wilderness, set a drift in the vastness. But God was unwilling to watch His creation wander endlessly. He was unable to sit by as we dove deeper into the abyss. He was overcome by love, by grace, and by mercy. He took our pieces and gave them purpose. He took our shattered spirit and gave it hope. He took our destiny and reshaped it. Though we were unworthy, He counted us worthwhile. We were broken…But in the hands of God, we have been made whole.

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  • Colossians 3 is brought to life in this powerful video that reminds us to forgive one another as God has forgiven us and to put on love in all we do.

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  • Life Is


    Life is beautiful, God-given and God-breathed. This powerful video illustrates just how precious each life is to our Creator.

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  • Powerful quotes from Dr. King make this video a moving reminder of the fight for equality, the pain of racism and the need for Christ centered change.

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  • Life is God-given and precious. Scripture proclaims beautifully how God knitted each one of us together in our Mother’s womb. This powerful video follows the journey all the way back to where life begins.

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  • Kick off your upcoming Christmas services with this beautiful and upbeat worship intro. Joy To The World!

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  • Visiting a church on Christmas can be intimidating and even overwhelming. Let your visitors know they are welcome and loved and invite them to join you in celebrating the birth of our Savior.

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  • This powerful Christmas mini movie is a beautiful reminder of the gift of grace given to us that morning in Bethlehem. For God so loved the world.

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  • This Advent worship service intro brings scripture to life with beautiful graphics and a moving soundtrack. A truly powerful way to begin any Advent service.

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  • So what are you thankful for? You’d think that would be an easy question to answer. Yet how often does the speed of life blind us? How often are the blessings we experience blurred by the chaos we walk in? While we’re busy trying to keep up, do we fail to recognize all we have to be grateful for? Life has a way of chiseling away at a heart of gratitude. But what if we could stop, pause in the moment, and recognize the incredible work of God which surrounds us? What if the intensity of the day to day could be stilled by the peace of thanksgiving? What if we could practice the words of Scripture and give thanks in everything? Perhaps these are the questions we need to ask ourselves so we can begin to see the beauty of a life spent giving thanks.

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  • With a heart of gratitude, we honor our Savior. With an overwhelming love, we offer Him praise, giving thanks to God for all He is and all He has done. Today we worship the King Of Kings and come before Him with Thanksgiving.

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  • The Bible tells us to give thanks in everything. So how do we do that? It may be easy when life is going well, but what happens in the midst of struggle, pain or loss? Life has a way of breaking a heart of gratitude. This Thanksgiving we need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness. We need to stand on His promise to never leave us or forsake us. We need to trust the plans He has for us. Plans to give us hope and a future. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, gratitude is inevitable.

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  • This beautiful interpretation of Psalm 121 is a powerful testament to God’s protection over His people, His faithfulness and His love.

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  • We are wanderers, explorers, travelers. Roaming the Earth, field by field, moment by moment…Seeking, searching, longing. Desperately wanting those we encounter to know what we know, to experience what we have experienced. A life change so beautiful, a grace so sufficient, a mercy so unfathomable, that we can’t possibly keep it to ourselves. This is our mission and is our purpose. To pursue the calling of Jesus to the ends of the Earth. Will you answer that call? The call to walk…the field?

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