Enhance your next Church service with one of our video illustrations. These powerful videos are a great way to intro a message or intro a time of worship.

  • Amazed

    Today we lift Jesus on High. Our exalted Redeemer is righteous and magnified. Worthy of worship, worthy of praise. Today we stand and sing…today we stand amazed!
  • Visiting a church can be scary. Welcome your visitors by letting them know they matter, they’re cared about and they are loved.

  • Iron


    We were not created to walk this journey alone. We were made to do life together. To grow and forge, to invest and hold accountable, to encourage and become more like Christ…together. We were made to walk the valley with those who are hurting and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. For as iron sharpens iron…so one person sharpens another.

  • In uncertain times, it’s easy to be consumed by fear, anxiety and hopelessness. But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. As we walk this journey together, let us remember our God is not surprised by any of this. He is sovereign. He is in control. He is great, glorious, gracious and good. May we, without hesitation, find strength and peace in that truth.

  • Today we worship our Savior, our redeemer and deliverer. Today we worship the Son of God, the Holy One. Today we worship our Messiah. Today we worship…Jesus!

  • So much has changed since last Easter. The world has been shaken. Life has been disrupted and what we once called normal seems like it may never return. It’s easy to be discouraged when the ground beneath us feels like shifting sand. Now, more than ever, we need to stand on the truth of Easter. A day which changed our eternity and our world forever. Death was defeated, sin was conquered and death was rendered powerless. Today, may we remember the truth of Easter, the power of the resurrection and the promise of eternity. Yes, the world has been shaken, but the grave is still empty and Jesus…is still risen!

  • These are unprecedented times, filled with uncertainty and fear. The way we meet together as a church has changed, but we will persevere. Because the Church is not a building. It is not brick and mortar. It is the Body of Christ. It is all of us, honoring God, no matter our circumstance. Any place, any time, any day…We are still the Church!

  • Visiting a church can be intimidating and even overwhelming. Let your visitors know they are welcome, cared about and loved.

  • He is our Savior, our Precious Redeemer and Mighty Deliverer. He is High and Exalted and worthy of praise. Today, we give Him glory. Today we lift our voices and worship Jesus…for He alone is worthy.

  • This high energy opener is a great way to kick off your upcoming Easter services. Powerful text and fast moving visuals set the tone for a time of worship and celebration!

  • We used to wander, stuck in our brokenness. We didn’t know it yet, but we needed grace. While we were lost in darkness, God was consumed by love. A love which led Him to do the unimaginable. A love which would cost Him his Son. One night in Bethlehem, the heart of Christmas began beating with a rhythm that would change the world. Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior…was born. Love in the flesh. Grace in a manger. Today we celebrate that moment. We worship our Messiah and we stand in awe of the life-changing gift God has given us. Jesus…the true heart of Christmas.

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  • His body was broken for you. His blood, poured out for you. His life, given…all for you. Today we remember, today we honor, today we worship a Savior who gave everything so we could have life eternal. This is Communion.

  • We were lost in darkness, in desperate need of a Savior. Separated from God. But God loved us with an unstoppable love. A love which cost Him dearly. For God so loved the World, He sent His only Son. That night in Bethlehem, grace arrived and changed everything. This is Christ the Lord.

  • How we gather together has changed, but our calling has not. We are still on mission, we are still commanded to make disciples. We are called to love our neighbor and give of our time and resources. We are still the body of Christ, called to be a light to the world, a city on a hill which cannot be hidden. Today, in the midst of fear, let us stand on the power of our risen Savior and answer our calling!

  • It was a moment unlike any other. A night where the grace of God was on full display. Where love overcame the crimson stain…the sin, which made communion with God impossible. The creator, was longing for His creation. That night in Bethlehem, under a starry sky, Jesus was born. Our Savior, Our Messiah…grace in a manger.

  • The love of a Mom can not be measured. Its bond is unbreakable, its care is unending. The love of a mom is an undeniable treasure, a gift from the hand of God. Today we celebrate Mom!

  • A powerful prayer of gratitude, surrender and worship to start your next service.

  • Our best selling Christmas video with updated visuals and a remastered soundtrack. The Christmas story comes down to one simple truth. God loved us so much, that He gave Jesus. Because of this, eternity has changed forever. Grace arrived in Bethlehem that night and the world was never the same.
  • Look around, it doesn’t take long to recognize the brokenness surrounding us. The pain we are witnessing is real, and the need for a Savior is undeniable. It’s this need which broke the heart of God and moved Him to do the unimaginable. For God so loved the world he sent His only Son, to change our eternity. To be our perfect sacrifice. Today, as we face so many unknowns, may we remember the simple truth of Easter. The stone’s been rolled away. The grave is empty. Jesus is alive…and love has risen!

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  • Sometimes it’s moments of brokenness which create the greatest transformations. Times where fear gives birth to faith, pain leads to healing and chaos dissolves into peace. It’s in these times, we often see God more clearly. For in our deepest turmoil, He remains faithful. When our spirit is crushed, He remains strong. When the moment is too heavy’ He carries the burden. As gold is refined by fire, we too, are often refined by struggle. It’s part of growing, changing, becoming. Lately, the journey has been difficult. Our breath has been labored, our step uneasy. But, we stand in faith knowing who is leading us through this desert. The God of Peace, the God of Hope, the God of Restoration.

  • Fragile


    Life is fragile. It’s a fact we are learning in real time…every day. What we once called normal has seemingly disappeared. There is uncertainty in the air, restlessness in our hearts. Our usual day to day has evolved into this odd chaos. Many have lost jobs, security and those they love. The pain is undeniable. But what if our fragility caused us to lean harder into God? What if, in our our weakness, we chose to rely more on His strength? Would our outlook change? Would the peace which passes understanding begin to drown out the noise of this moment? We are not promised tomorrow, but we are given a simple truth to stand on: Our God goes before us. He will never leave us, He will never forsake us. Yes, life is fragile…But in our weakness, He is strong.

  • This moving and powerful video asks some important and difficult questions. When did we forget how to love? Did it happen sudden, or was it a gradual decline? When did we forget the very foundation of the Gospel? For God so…loved. Love is what moved God to action. Love is what held Jesus to the cross. Love is what rolled away the stone…but we’ve forgotten that part. Without love, we are simply a resounding gong, a clanging cymbal, a bunch of noise. Without love…we are nothing. Is that what people see in us…meaningless, empty, noise? Maybe it’s time the Church…was more like Jesus.

  • This beautiful Psalm is a testimony to the greatness of God’s creation. It’s a powerful call to worship the majesty of His Name.

  • What if we could love the way Jesus did? What if the way we love could make a difference in the world around us? What if that love looked at everyone the way God does? A love which doesn’t see the past but is consumed by a desire to see people come to know Jesus. A love which is patient and kind. Not envious or prideful. A love which puts others before ourselves and chooses peace over anger. A love which protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Do we love like this? Do we love like Jesus? Maybe it’s time to ask a simple question…How can we love…better?

  • Today we celebrate Dads and say “thank you” for loving, guiding, encouraging, and inspiring us. Today is a day to let them know just how much they are loved. Happy Father’s Day Dads!

  • Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you know where to start? God has already shown us by sending His only Son. Not because He had to, but because He loves us! If you want to change the world, then love unconditionally. Love fiercely. Love when it’s difficult. Love when it’s painful, Love without hesitation. Love…God’s way!

  • Clay


    We are like clay, pliable, movable…moldable. In the hands of the Creator, we can be changed, made beautiful…given life. The formless takes shape.The unrecognizable finds its identity.The meaningless is given purpose. From nothing…comes beauty. We are like clay. Each piece different than the next, given unlimited potential…In the hands of the Potter.

  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. It’s our time to share Jesus with those around us. To let them know they are loved. To show them there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and light in the midst of darkness. It’s time to climb the mountaintops and proclaim… in one loud voice…He is risen. He is risen indeed!

  • How do we say thank you to those who gave everything? How do we honor the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom? We say thank you, by remembering. Today we honor our heroes. Lives given, not in vain, but with purpose. We stand grateful for their courage, their strength, and their resolve. For the fabric of America is stitched together by the thread of the brave. Today we remember…and we will never forget.

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  • This powerful Christmas mini movie is a beautiful reminder of the gift of grace given to us that morning in Bethlehem. For God so loved the world.

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  • We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a purpose, a calling, a mandate and a mission. Even in these uncertain times, that calling remains the same. To go into the world, make disciples and share the love of Jesus. This is the work of Easter. The power of the resurrection in action. What Jesus did has changed us, made us a new creation and given us an unimaginable hope. So why keep all of that to ourselves? It’s time to put Easter in motion. To make a difference and share Jesus with the world around us. If your life has been changed…It’s time to get to work.

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  • This beautiful and powerful spoken word mini-movie is perfect for Thanksgiving or any service centered on thankfulness. Gratitude…in the everyday. This is where thankfulness begins.

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  • A Dad is caring, a Dad is kind. He is a Godly man who is loving and wise. A Dad is strong and leads the way. He’s a shoulder to lean on any time…any day. Today we celebrate Dads and give thanks to God for the Father’s in our life!

  • This is a new day. A day of celebration! For God has given us a new birth…a living hope through the resurrection of His Son. He has rescued us from darkness. He has brought us out of despair. For in Him we have redemption…in Him we have mercy…in Him we have forgiveness. Today we stand in Christ, a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. Today we celebrate our Savior, our Deliverer, our Redeemer. Sin is conquered. Death is defeated. The grave is empty and Jesus is alive! This is a new day, this…is Easter!

  • A powerful video taken straight from Isaiah 53. He was despised and rejected by mankind, yet he took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sin. He alone bore the punishment which brought us peace. We all like sheep have gone astray, yet the Lord laid on Him…the iniquity of us all.

  • A powerful video about the Word of God…A lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

  • We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. This Thanksgiving, let’s answer the call of this powerful Psalm to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Today is a beautiful day of celebration. A day to honor the Women who have shaped us nurtured us and walked us through life. It’s a day to say thanks to all the moms. Moms with toddlers tearing through the house, and moms whose babies have moved away. Moms who are doing this all by themselves, and moms who loved a child in need. Moms who have suffered unimaginable loss, and moms whose children are moms themselves. For all the times your love made things better and the moments your wisdom made things clear. For the way, you lived as an example so we could see Jesus through you. For each and every memory that has lit the path we walk, we say thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

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  • Most of us remember that day, it’s etched in our minds. A permanent reminder of tragedy. We all watched helplessly as lives were lost, heroes were born, and a nation was forever changed. Through that pain, we witnessed the resolve of a Nation. We saw chaos give birth to courage, fear transform into fortitude, and destruction give way to determination. In the midst of the brokenness, freedom stood immovable. Today we remember those we lost. We honor the heroes who saved so many and grieve with the families who have suffered so much. It’s been 20 years, but we still remember…And we will never forget.

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  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

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