• Sometimes it’s difficult to see God in America. The principles on which we were founded are no longer the principles by which we live. Slowly, our nation has forgotten where its freedom came from. As election day approaches, many of us are filled with indecision. How do we make a choice when it’s so difficult to see the hand of God? The truth is, there are times when we simply need to pray and trust in God. Because, even in the chaos, He is sovereign, He is holy, He is faithful and He is Lord.
  • Today let us enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Let us sing to God with our whole hearts. Let us give thanks out of gratitude and worship Him with everything we are. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Thanksgiving is a day to spend in gratitude toward God. A day to remember His grace, mercy, love and Faithfulness. It’s a day to remember Jesus and thank Him for His sacrifice. Most of all, Thanksgiving is a day to worship our Great God and Savior. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Today we exalt the Creator of all, the King of Kings. Today we surrender before His throne. Today we worship our Savior, our Redeemer and our Merciful Lord. Today we offer our all as we stand in awe of our God.
  • There are no words to describe our gratitude. When someone risks their life, “thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough. Today we honor our heroes, the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom and protected our nation. They are the best of America. Today we stand with our veterans.
  • God’s grace is undeserved yet He gives to all who ask. God’s grace is His love in action. God’s grace is life altering and eternity changing. God’s grace is amazing!
  • The birth of our Savior changed everything. It introduced grace, changed our future and altered eternity. God reached down into the world and sent His Son to lead us back home. This Christmas we worship our Savior. We worship Our King. We worship our Messiah. This Christmas, we worship Jesus!
  • There is an unwavering need for us to cry out to God. A natural desire to sing His praises, declare His glory and lift high His name. Today, as we gather, let us worship God and God alone!
  • Even in the manger, Jesus was worthy of worship. The Word had become flesh and eternity had been forever changed. Filled with scripture, “This Christmas” is a powerful way to begin your Christmas services and remind your congregation of the unquestioned worthiness of The Messiah.
  • As a new school year begins, let’s take a moment to ask for God’s guidance and protection over our children. That He would give them the wisdom to make right choices and the courage to live out their faith and be the light of Christ in their schools.
  • The Word of God is filled with the story of Christmas. “Christ the Lord” is a powerful, scripture driven intro for any Christmas themes service or event. For today, in the City of David, has been born a Savior…Christ the Lord.
  • Love is a life changer. It can mend the broken hearted, comfort the needy, reach the discarded and change eternity. Love is God defined…the manifestation of His character. Love is what God has called us to be. This is love.
  • As the Church gathers, we need to remember why we’ve come together. Simply put, we are here for Jesus. To seek Him and not ourselves. To shout His praises and enter His courts. We are here to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. We are here to Worship!
  • Life is God given and precious. Scripture proclaims beautifully how God knitted each one of us together in our Mother’s womb. We were created with a purpose. We were created for the glory of God. We were created for life.
  • In 1st Corinthians 13, Scripture makes a powerful statement about love. Within these verses we learn about the true nature of love the way God created it to be. We learn of its strength and faithfulness…it’s grace and compassion. We learn love, in its purest form, protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Love never fails! For a great impact, grab our 1st Corinthians Thirteen Graphic Pack!
  • By sending His only Son into the world, God showed us the ultimate example of love. A love without hesitation, A love which knows no bounds. A love that changed the world. Do you love the way God does?
  • Love is a powerful thing. It can change a heart, change a life and change an eternity. Love shows us God’s character and show us what we are called to be. Do you love?
  • Around the world there are hundreds of ways to say “Mom”. Countless spellings and pronunciations. But there is one way that is universal, one word that says “Mom” more than any other. That word is “LOVE”! How do you say Mom? Use with our "Happy Mother's Day Graphic Pack" and our "Mother's Day Service Pack"!
  • Mom

    This Mother’s Day, celebrate Mom for all she is and let her know how honored and cherished she truly is. Today, we give thanks to God for our Mom!
  • Easter is a time to worship our Savior for His work on the cross and His triumph over sin and death. It’s a day to celebrate our redemption, remember God’s grace and give glory to Jesus. It’s a day to celebrate the moment our eternity changed. Jesus lives!
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