• Fall is here! Time to put away the barbecue, ditch the sunglasses and bust out the sweater collection. It’s time to taxi the kids to school, practice, rehearsals and recitals. Fall can be exhausting. It’s tempting to skip church just so we can catch a break. But, we serve a God who has never once taken a day off from loving us. We belong in community, we belong in accountability, we belong together as the body of Christ. This weekend, make church a priority.  Hey, Fall is here…we’ll see you at Church!
  • This year, as your children head back to school, stop and take a moment to pray for God's hand upon them, His strength to carry them and His love to surround them. "A Prayer For Our Children" is a great reminder of the importance of hitting our knees and asking God to walk the halls of our schools.
  • Inspired by Psalm 100, this worship intro is a great way to start your next service or worship event.

  • God deserves glory, honor and praise. He is worthy, every moment of every day. Psalm 96 puts into words that call, to recognize God as glorious, mighty and worthy of praise.  
  • How do we say thank you to those who gave everything? How do we honor the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom? We say thank you, by remembering. Today we honor our heroes. Lives given, not in vain, but with purpose. We stand grateful for their courage, their strength, and their resolve. For the fabric of America is stitched together by the thread of the brave. Today we remember…and we will never forget.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This powerful Christmas mini movie is a beautiful reminder of the gift of grace given to us that morning in Bethlehem. For God so loved the world.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a purpose, a calling, a mandate and a mission. Even in these uncertain times, that calling remains the same. To go into the world, make disciples and share the love of Jesus. This is the work of Easter. The power of the resurrection in action. What Jesus did has changed us, made us a new creation and given us an unimaginable hope. So why keep all of that to ourselves? It’s time to put Easter in motion. To make a difference and share Jesus with the world around us. If your life has been changed…It’s time to get to work.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This beautiful and powerful spoken word mini-movie is perfect for Thanksgiving or any service centered on thankfulness. Gratitude…in the everyday. This is where thankfulness begins.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • A Dad is caring, a Dad is kind. He is a Godly man who is loving and wise. A Dad is strong and leads the way. He’s a shoulder to lean on any time…any day. Today we celebrate Dads and give thanks to God for the Father’s in our life!

  • This is a new day. A day of celebration! For God has given us a new birth…a living hope through the resurrection of His Son. He has rescued us from darkness. He has brought us out of despair. For in Him we have redemption…in Him we have mercy…in Him we have forgiveness. Today we stand in Christ, a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. Today we celebrate our Savior, our Deliverer, our Redeemer. Sin is conquered. Death is defeated. The grave is empty and Jesus is alive! This is a new day, this…is Easter!

  • A powerful video taken straight from Isaiah 53. He was despised and rejected by mankind, yet he took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sin. He alone bore the punishment which brought us peace. We all like sheep have gone astray, yet the Lord laid on Him…the iniquity of us all.

  • A powerful video about the Word of God…A lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

  • We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. This Thanksgiving, let’s answer the call of this powerful Psalm to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Fall colors highlight this powerful worship intro, highlighting the unmatchable worth of our Great God. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • We worship an amazing God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our Redeemer, Deliverer and Merciful Friend. The Alpha, Omega, The Beginning and The End. He is worthy to be high and exalted…glorified and praised! Today we worship Jesus, our Everything.
  • This powerful hymn is brought to life with colorful imagery and an original musical arrangement. Blessed assurance…Jesus is mine!
  • Today we celebrate the greatness of our God. Today we honor the Lord of all creation. Today we gather in His courts, sing His praises and exalt the Lord God Almighty!
  • How often do we forget our identity in Christ? In moments of weakness do we forget where our strength comes from? When we feel alone do we forget we are loved beyond measure? As Christians, we are new creatures! Sin and death no longer enslave us. We have gone from bound to free, death to life…forgotten to forgiven!
  • Jesus taught a powerful truth to His Disciples. He taught that following Him meant denying yourself and taking up your cross. That truth still stands as a cornerstone of our faith today, challenging us to live in selfless surrender to our Savior.
  • America is a nation in great need of God. In the midst of our freedoms, we have forgotten our first love. We have lost sight of the principles on which we were founded. We have forgotten that true independence is found in our dependence on God. Today, we humbly pray for God to hear His people…and heal our land.
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