• At the center of a life lived for Jesus, is an attitude of surrender. An authentic desire to abandon everything for the sake of His glory.
  • Christmas is so much more than a holiday. It’s more than family get togethers, presents under the tree and lights hanging on the house. Christmas is about God reaching down from Heaven. It’s about the birth of Jesus, our Savior. It’s about the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. Christmas is about grace and the promise of eternity. Simply put, Christmas is about Jesus.
  • Mary and Joseph traveled a great distance to get to Bethlehem. At the end of their journey, they were able to look at the face of the promised Messiah. The Wise Men traveled for the purpose of worshipping the only Son of God. This Christmas we will travel. We will head to church to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We will gather together to remember the gift of God’s grace. This Christmas, as the Wise Men did 2000 years ago…we will come to adore Jesus.
  • This year has been a journey for us all. For some the road has brought joy and for others…pain. We look and see a broken world and are stunned by the chaos around us. Our hearts beat to the rhythm of uncertainty. As a new year begins, let us remember to turn our eyes upon Jesus. To look full in His wonderful face. Let us watch as the things of earth are dimmed by the light of His glory and grace.
  • What does it mean to be a Christian? The bible tells us in great detail. It means we are adopted as children of God. It means we are redeemed, delivered and set free from sin. It means grace has covered our lives and mercy has clothed our bodies. Often times, Christian are portrayed in a negative light. We’re viewed as judgmental or hypocritical. But, at the core of our identity, is a heart held in the hands of Jesus. We are saved, We are a new creation, We are Christians.
  • Each of us has been made differently. We have different gifts and abilities, yet we all share a common purpose. We were created to worship God. It’s our calling to surrender all as a sacrifice of praise and to never forget the worthiness of our God.
  • Life is a precious gift given by the hand of God. Scripture declares each one of us to be His workmanship, knitted together in the womb. Based on Psalm 139, “Sanctity” is a powerful reminder of that gift.
  • Love is a powerful thing. Love can overcome an obstacle, walk alongside a friend or brighten someone’s day. Love can meet a need, mend a broken heart or even change the world. Most of all, because of the work of Jesus, love can change our eternity.
  • Need

    Everywhere you go there is a need. In our cities, our nation and our world. People are struggling, addicted, broken and lost. If Jesus is the hope of the world, then His church should act as His hands and feet. It’s time for the church to act on the hope we have. To meet people wherever they are and share the love of Jesus. It’s time to meet the need.
  • Love is a small word, with a big heart. Love is at the core of God’s character and should be the heartbeat of our lives as Christians. Based on 1 Corinthians 13, “Love Has a Big Heart” is a great fit for Valentine’s Day or any message about love.
  • As we gather around the world, we come to worship, to pray, to seek God and learn from His word. We come to fellowship, to connect, to serve and to do life together. But, more than anything, we come to glorify Jesus.
  • Risen

    Scripture is the centerpiece of this powerful video, taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection. It’s time to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus, the gift of grace and the incredible mercy given to us by the Father. He is not here…He is risen!
  • The work of Jesus on the cross is something we should never forget. His suffering, His body and His blood were given for us. We were bought with a price, redeemed by love and set free from our sins.
  • Sin had left us for dead. It had separated us from God and stolen our Hope. But God loved us. Through Jesus, sin has been conquered, death has been defeated and hope has been restored. The grave is empty, the stone has been rolled away…Hope has risen!
  • As Holy Week begins, “Hosanna” is the cry of our hearts. Today, we worship a triumphant Messiah. A Savior willing to give everything to redeem our eternity. Today, we worship Jesus!
  • Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem marks the beginning of a week that would change everything. A day in which He was celebrated as Messiah, Savior and Redeemer. The precious Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
  • Fool

    Foolishness is found in many places. It’s found in the inability to listen, uncontrolled anger, lying, arrogance, slander and Godlessness. But wisdom is found in a life centered on Jesus. A life which seeks His glory, His desires and His will. Do you live a wise life…or the life of a fool?
  • Light

    Jesus is The Light of the World and that light changes everything. It illuminates what’s hidden, guides our steps, leads us out of darkness and brings us life. Those who follow Him will never walk in darkness again.
  • Today we gather to exalt our God and King. We’ve come to seek His face and surrender our all. We’ve come to worship the Lord of Lords and enter His courts with praise.
  • Psalm 121 is a declaration of God’s protection and hand over His people. The maker of Heaven and Earth watches over the comings and goings of our lives and is our ever-present help.
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