• Our mother’s hands are always there. They hold us, comfort us, guide us and show us love. They’re there for big and small moments. They hold us up and pick us up when we fall. Our Mother’s hands are a gift from God. Through them, we can feel the love God has for us.
  • Mother’s Day is a day honor all Moms. It’s a day to support Single Moms, encourage Adoptive Moms, be grateful for Foster Moms and comfort Moms who have lost a child. Not all Mothers travel the same road, but they are each loved by God and loved by those whose lives they have touched.
  • As Americans, we need to pause a moment and remember the sacrifice of so many which has provided the freedoms we enjoy today. Men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could have a better life. Powerful visuals and an original soundtrack make "We Remember You" a great way to honor our heroes.
  • We enjoy great freedoms in our country. Freedoms which were gained at a price. Over our history brave men and women have fought and died for our nation. Today, Memorial Day, we remember them. Our soldiers…our Heroes!
  • Worship isn’t about a Sunday morning experience or spending 30 minutes singing songs. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice to honor God. Worship is more than music or church, it’s about how we live our lives. It’s choosing God in every moment of every day.
  • Dads are everything to their kids. They're superheroes, mechanics, teachers, encouragers, disciplinarians and so much more. Today, it's time to pause and remember all the things our Dad's have done for us...and to thank God for the gift of a Father.
  • Dads can do many “manly” things. They can mow a yard, grill a burger, use tools and even threaten to pull the car over. But, being a dad isn’t really about any of those things. It’s not about being “manly”, it’s about being Godly. It’s about loving on your kids and leading them to Jesus. This Father’s Day, inspire men to be the the kind of Dad God has called them to be.
  • Life, at its core, is about worship. It’s about choosing to glorify God moment by moment, day by day. We need to continually seek to give honor to God no matter our circumstance. He is worthy…always.
  • Motive is everything. Do we live life for ourselves or for God’s glory? Are we at church to enjoy a social club or have we come to worship our Maker? We need to continually check our motives and be mindful of what is driving us. Life is meant to be lived as an act of worship.
  • Our great nation was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate our independence, let us not forget our dependence on God, our foundation of faith and our need for His hand to guide us.
  • Worship is the act of responding to the worth of God in our everyday lives. Moment by moment…circumstance by circumstance. Surrendering our will, bending our knee and approaching His throne with humility. We can worship many things in this life, but only Jesus is worthy of it.
  • We live in a nation which has slowly fallen away from the faith on which it was founded. A nation in desperate need of God and his healing hand. It’s time this great nation remembered that its independence is found in its dependence on God.
  • There is only One who is worthy of praise. Only One who is worthy to be lifted up and exalted. Only One who deserves our worship, devotion and sacrifice. Nothing else can compare to matchless worth of Jesus. He alone is worthy.
  • What Jesus did for us should never be forgotten. We should constantly be in a state of remembrance for His gift of grace. God sent His only Son to take our place, bare our penalty and die our death. This is mercy. This is love. This is communion.
  • We gather together for a purpose. We gather to corporately come before God’s throne. We gather to sing His praise, exalt His name and surrender ourselves. We gather expectantly, knowing His presence dwells among us as we worship.
  • I Belong

    As Christ followers, we can have a true sense of belonging. Even in our loneliest moments, we are still living in the midst of Jesus. We belong to the King of Kings, the Risen Savior, the one true and holy God. This is life as His child!
  • Psalm 63

    Are we truly longing for God? Do we earnestly seek Him and desire His presence? Do we worship Him in every circumstance? God’s unfailing love is better than life itself and His worth is on display daily. Allow this powerful Psalm to inspire your congregation as you enter in to worship.
  • Worship is about surrender. It’s about laying our lives at the feet of Jesus and declaring we belong to Him. It’s about complete devotion, unhindered praise and a passionate love for our Savior. It’s saying to our Father God; “I Am Yours”!
  • As our children head back to school, it’s time to take a moment and ask God to protect them, lead them and guide them. It’s time to pray for God to grant our children wisdom, strength and courage as they live out their faith. It’s time to take a moment and ask for His hand on the new school year.
  • Blur

    Life is full of distractions. Things which take our eyes off of Jesus, There are times when we are looking at Jesus, but our lives cause us to not see Him clearly. We need to throw off the thing which distract us and blur our vision. With Christ as our priority, life will finally come into focus.
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