• Life

    In life, we often dwell on the past or look to the future. But, what about the present? If our future rests in Jesus, then shouldn’t our present be lived for Him? Life itself is to be lived for the glory of God. What are you doing to make that a reality?
  • Each of us has been made differently. We have different gifts and abilities, yet we all share a common purpose. We were created to worship God. It’s our calling to surrender all as a sacrifice of praise and to never forget the worthiness of our God.
  • We are undeserving, yet God has loved us. We are unworthy, yet He has shown us mercy. God changed our eternity through the gift of His Son. Because of Jesus, we have a future as bright as Heaven. This is love, this is mercy…This is grace.
  • Need

    Everywhere you go there is a need. In our cities, our nation and our world. People are struggling, addicted, broken and lost. If Jesus is the hope of the world, then His church should act as His hands and feet. It’s time for the church to act on the hope we have. To meet people wherever they are and share the love of Jesus. It’s time to meet the need.
  • As we gather around the world, we come to worship, to pray, to seek God and learn from His word. We come to fellowship, to connect, to serve and to do life together. But, more than anything, we come to glorify Jesus.
  • Fool

    Foolishness is found in many places. It’s found in the inability to listen, uncontrolled anger, lying, arrogance, slander and Godlessness. But wisdom is found in a life centered on Jesus. A life which seeks His glory, His desires and His will. Do you live a wise life…or the life of a fool?
  • Light

    Jesus is The Light of the World and that light changes everything. It illuminates what’s hidden, guides our steps, leads us out of darkness and brings us life. Those who follow Him will never walk in darkness again.
  • Today we gather to exalt our God and King. We’ve come to seek His face and surrender our all. We’ve come to worship the Lord of Lords and enter His courts with praise.
  • Psalm 121 is a declaration of God’s protection and hand over His people. The maker of Heaven and Earth watches over the comings and goings of our lives and is our ever-present help.
  • My Heart

    As Christians, we should have a heart for Jesus. A longing for Him, His purpose and His will. We should have a heart for people. To live our lives as a testimony so others can see Jesus through us. We should have a heart to share the faith that changed our lives and the hope that changed our eternity. These things are the heart of a Christian.
  • We serve a Mighty King, A Precious Savior, A Holy Lord and a Righteous Redeemer. His very character proves Him to be worthy of our praise. His nature alone should draw us to our knees in adoration and worship!
  • There has never been and will never be a moment, when God is not worthy of our praise. Every moment, every day, every breath, every step should be lived as an offering of worship to the King of Kings!
  • As the school year approaches, we need to take a moment to pray for our children. We need to ask God to watch over our children. To lead them, protect them and help them make right choices. We need to ask God to empower them to live out their faith and show them how to be an example of God’s great love.
  • Journey

    Life is a journey. Each of us has a road to walk and decisions to make. Are we looking forward or looking back? Are we watching our steps or looking to Jesus? The road of life was not meant to be walked alone. It was meant to be walked with Jesus.
  • As we gather together, let us remember the reason we’ve come. To celebrate the matchless worth of our Heavenly Father. To give Him glory, honor and praise and to boldly proclaim that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  • Take a moment to celebrate someone who has loved you through everything. A woman who has never given up on you and has shown you how to live for Jesus. Someone you’d be completely clueless without…It’s time to say thanks to our awesome, stupendous, fabulous, amazing Moms!
  • The character of our Savior should move us to respond with worship. His radiance, His glory, His passion and His love should leave us in awe of Him. His sacrifice, His mercy, His power and His righteousness should challenge us to pursue Him with everything. He is our Deliverer, Redeemer, Teacher and Messiah. How will you respond to His character?
  • There is nothing quite like a Mother’s love. It’s a love that is undeniable, unstoppable and unending. It’s a love which cannot be measured or weighed. It shows its heart with a touch, its wisdom with a word and it care with a smile. This Mother’s Day, celebrate the love of a Mom!
  • They grew up to fast didn’t they? After years of following in our footsteps, our prayer today is that they would follow in God’s. Yesterday they were just a child, but today they graduate. As they step out into the world, we pray for God to light their path and guard their hearts. Today, we are grateful for the privilege of raising God’s creation!
  • The freedoms we enjoy in America, were gained through the sacrifices of brave men and women. Soldiers, who gave their lives so we could continue to live as a free Nation. Today, we remember the courageous. Today, Memorial Day, we remember our heroes.
  • Wait

    Straight from scripture, “Wait” reminds us to trust God in all things, to wait on Him and know He will strengthen us, guide us and show us His good and perfect will.
  • oday we celebrate the matchless worth of our God. Today we honor the Lord of all creation. Today we gather in His presence, sing His praises and exalt our great God and King!
  • Grace

    The incredible grace of God is a gift we don’t deserve. Yet, because of the work of the cross, it is a gift given to us freely. In it we find forgiveness, mercy, redemption and love. Through grace, we have hope, new birth and eternal life. That is the power of grace.
  • Dads are our heroes. They’re brave when we’re scared, strong when we’re weak, wise when we don’t know and gracious when we let them down. Today, take a moment to celebrate Fathers, not only for their hand in our lives, but for being a wonderful gift from God.
  • So often, we tend to make our worship experiences about us. Our preferences, our style, our desires. The reality is, worship is about Jesus. It’s about His worth, His glory, His renown. Today, let’s put ourselves aside. Let’s lay our lives down as a sacrifice of praise and give the glory to a God who deserves it all. This isn’t about us…This is about Jesus!
  • Psalm 103 challenges us to praise the Lord with our whole heart and to never forget His goodness and grace. It’s a call to worship God for all He is and all He has done.
  • Epic Dad

    This Father’s Day, one man, will defy the odds. The yard will be epic. The BBQ succulent. The golf course conquered. He is awesome personified…He is Dad!
  • Psalm 8

    Psalm 8 is a powerful testimony of the beauty and greatness of God’s creation, and His care for mankind. It’s a call to worship the power and majesty of His Name.
  • Do you ever think about what Jesus has done for you? Do you ever dwell on the richness of His glory, the work of the cross, the power of His resurrection or depth of His mercies. As we enter in to worship, let us remember why we worship our God.
  • As we gather, let us remember the holiness of the Savior and the majesty of our Father in Heaven. Let us celebrate the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, our Deliverer and Redeemer!
  • DESCRIPTION: We are God’s creation. He made each of us with a purpose. He gave each of us a unique combination of gifts, abilities and calling. Though we are all different, we have one thing in common. Each one of us was created to worship!
  • We serve an unequalled God. A God whose love is unfailing, faithfulness unrelenting and grace unstoppable. He is a God unending and undeniable. “UN” is a biblical look into the character of God, encouraging the viewer to open their Bibles and explore what it has to say about our unshakable God. It’s a great tool for a sermon series, small group or youth ministry.
  • As we gather together, we have a choice to make. Are we going to disconnect, or are we going to engage? Are we going to sing the songs or are we going to pour out our hearts to Jesus? Are we going to keep up appearances or are we going to truly seek after God? Are you going to go through the motions…or are you all in?
  • The events of September 11th 2001 reshaped our world. All these years later, we can still feel the heartache. 9/11 was a day of unimaginable tragedy. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, witnessed the birth of new heroes and experienced the unquestioned resolve of our Nation. Today, let us remember those who were taken far too soon. Let us pray for their families and pray for our nation.
  • Life is about Jesus. It should be lived for His glory, His purpose and His will. Every action, every word, every decision should be for His renown. It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to go through the motions. It’s easy to say the right things. But, when it comes down to it…what are you here for? I am here for Jesus.
  • Still

    Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, there is chaos, pain and trouble. Even in the most difficult times, we have a God who will lead us beside still waters. God never promises our lives will be easy, but He does promise to be be our every present help and our comfort in times of need.
  • Matter

    Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by people. People who were created by God. People made with a purpose. People made in the image of our Heavenly Father. Yet most of them don’t know Jesus. We walk through life with this wonderful gift of Salvation, but do we share it with those around us? People matter to God. The question is, do they matter to you?
  • Based on Psalm 139, “Even There” is a moving video about God’s overwhelming presence and His love, protection and care over His children.
  • Pastors carry a burden few people will ever understand. They have answered a call that is incredibly difficult to live out. They have sacrificed much to make the Gospel known to many. Take a moment and honor your Pastor and take a moment to thank God for calling them to lead His church.
  • Today belongs to Jesus. It’s a day he has made. A day for us to rejoice in Him and worship Him for all He is and all He has done. It’s a day to surrender and approach His throne with humility. It’s a day to praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Today and is His day!
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