• We are undeserving, yet God has loved us. We are unworthy, yet He has shown us mercy. God changed our eternity through the gift of His Son. Because of Jesus, we have a future as bright as Heaven. This is love, this is mercy…This is grace.
  • There has never been a time when God has not been worthy of our praise. No matter our circumstance, we must respond to His worth. We must make a choice, moment by moment, to come to Him and worship.
  • Our great nation was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate our independence, let us not forget our dependence on God, our foundation of faith and our need for His hand to guide us.
  • Psalm 95

    This visual interpretation of Psalm 95 is a great way to kick off your next worship service.  
  • Sunset

    It’s easy to give God a Sunday. Going to church, singing a few songs and listening to a sermon doesn’t take much effort. The question is, what will you do when Sunday is over? What will you do this week to serve, honor, worship and trust God? Does your engagement with God end when the sun goes down Sunday evening? “Sunset” serves as a reminder to use Sunday as a way to start your week, dedicated fully to God.
  • #Worship

    We’re all unique. We all have a list of likes and dislikes. But, there is one thing we all have in common. We were all created to worship. God made us to shout His praises. He made us to cry out so the rocks don’t have to. Sure, we all have our preferences and styles, but we also share the same calling to #WORSHIP!
  • Remember


    This powerful video is focused on the work of Jesus on the cross and our call to remember His sacrifice through communion.

  • You


    Great visuals help declare the worthiness of God in this powerful worship intro.

  • Have you ever wondered what hope truly is? It's more than a wish or a desire. Hope is the response of a heart longing for God. Hope is waiting for our Savior to return and knowing He's returning for us. Hope is about trusting in a God who has never let us down. That's what hope is.  
  • Today Is

    It doesn't matter what day or what time it is. It is always time to engage God in worship. Through our actions, our relationships and our day to day lives, we need to make the decision to honor God in and through everything we do. This is what it takes for our lives to be a sacrifice of praise. Today is...an act of worship.  
  • What if we could love the way Jesus did? What if the way we love could make a difference in the world around us? What if that love looked at everyone the way God does? A love which doesn’t see the past but is consumed by a desire to see people come to know Jesus. A love which is patient and kind. Not envious or prideful. A love which puts others before ourselves and chooses peace over anger. A love which protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Do we love like this? Do we love like Jesus? Maybe it’s time to ask a simple question…How can we love…better?

  • Today we celebrate Dads and say “thank you” for loving, guiding, encouraging, and inspiring us. Today is a day to let them know just how much they are loved. Happy Father’s Day Dads!

  • Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you know where to start? God has already shown us by sending His only Son. Not because He had to, but because He loves us! If you want to change the world, then love unconditionally. Love fiercely. Love when it’s difficult. Love when it’s painful, Love without hesitation. Love…God’s way!

  • Clay


    We are like clay, pliable, movable…moldable. In the hands of the Creator, we can be changed, made beautiful…given life. The formless takes shape.The unrecognizable finds its identity.The meaningless is given purpose. From nothing…comes beauty. We are like clay. Each piece different than the next, given unlimited potential…In the hands of the Potter.

  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. It’s our time to share Jesus with those around us. To let them know they are loved. To show them there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and light in the midst of darkness. It’s time to climb the mountaintops and proclaim… in one loud voice…He is risen. He is risen indeed!

  • As a new school year begins, let’s take a moment to ask for God’s guidance and protection over our children. That He would give them the wisdom to make right choices and the courage to live out their faith and be the light of Christ in their schools.
  • Thanksgiving is a reminder of the incredible grace and love of God. Scripture is filled with verse after verse calling us to an attitude of thanksgiving. Today let us remember, with grateful hearts, the amazing love our Father has given to us. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Welcome your visitors by letting them know they matter, they’re cared about and they’re loved.
  • Life should be lived as an act of worship. Every moment of every day should be  lived as a sacrifice of praise.Today, let’s make the choice to surrender all in response to a God who has given us life…He is worthy of that!
  • America is a great nation. A nation made great by the hand of God and the brave men and women who have defended us. This Veterans Day, take a moment and honor the real American heroes!
  • Fall is here! Time to put away the barbecue, ditch the sunglasses and bust out the sweater collection. It’s time to taxi the kids to school, practice, rehearsals and recitals. Fall can be exhausting. It’s tempting to skip church just so we can catch a break. But, we serve a God who has never once taken a day off from loving us. We belong in community, we belong in accountability, we belong together as the body of Christ. This weekend, make church a priority.  Hey, Fall is here…we’ll see you at Church!
  • This year, as your children head back to school, stop and take a moment to pray for God's hand upon them, His strength to carry them and His love to surround them. "A Prayer For Our Children" is a great reminder of the importance of hitting our knees and asking God to walk the halls of our schools.
  • Inspired by Psalm 100, this worship intro is a great way to start your next service or worship event.

  • God deserves glory, honor and praise. He is worthy, every moment of every day. Psalm 96 puts into words that call, to recognize God as glorious, mighty and worthy of praise.  
  • How do we say thank you to those who gave everything? How do we honor the men and women, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom? We say thank you, by remembering. Today we honor our heroes. Lives given, not in vain, but with purpose. We stand grateful for their courage, their strength, and their resolve. For the fabric of America is stitched together by the thread of the brave. Today we remember…and we will never forget.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This powerful Christmas mini movie is a beautiful reminder of the gift of grace given to us that morning in Bethlehem. For God so loved the world.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a purpose, a calling, a mandate and a mission. Even in these uncertain times, that calling remains the same. To go into the world, make disciples and share the love of Jesus. This is the work of Easter. The power of the resurrection in action. What Jesus did has changed us, made us a new creation and given us an unimaginable hope. So why keep all of that to ourselves? It’s time to put Easter in motion. To make a difference and share Jesus with the world around us. If your life has been changed…It’s time to get to work.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This beautiful and powerful spoken word mini-movie is perfect for Thanksgiving or any service centered on thankfulness. Gratitude…in the everyday. This is where thankfulness begins.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • A Dad is caring, a Dad is kind. He is a Godly man who is loving and wise. A Dad is strong and leads the way. He’s a shoulder to lean on any time…any day. Today we celebrate Dads and give thanks to God for the Father’s in our life!

  • This is a new day. A day of celebration! For God has given us a new birth…a living hope through the resurrection of His Son. He has rescued us from darkness. He has brought us out of despair. For in Him we have redemption…in Him we have mercy…in Him we have forgiveness. Today we stand in Christ, a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. Today we celebrate our Savior, our Deliverer, our Redeemer. Sin is conquered. Death is defeated. The grave is empty and Jesus is alive! This is a new day, this…is Easter!

  • A powerful video taken straight from Isaiah 53. He was despised and rejected by mankind, yet he took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sin. He alone bore the punishment which brought us peace. We all like sheep have gone astray, yet the Lord laid on Him…the iniquity of us all.

  • A powerful video about the Word of God…A lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

  • We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. This Thanksgiving, let’s answer the call of this powerful Psalm to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Fall colors highlight this powerful worship intro, highlighting the unmatchable worth of our Great God. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • We worship an amazing God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our Redeemer, Deliverer and Merciful Friend. The Alpha, Omega, The Beginning and The End. He is worthy to be high and exalted…glorified and praised! Today we worship Jesus, our Everything.
  • This powerful hymn is brought to life with colorful imagery and an original musical arrangement. Blessed assurance…Jesus is mine!
  • Today we celebrate the greatness of our God. Today we honor the Lord of all creation. Today we gather in His courts, sing His praises and exalt the Lord God Almighty!
  • How often do we forget our identity in Christ? In moments of weakness do we forget where our strength comes from? When we feel alone do we forget we are loved beyond measure? As Christians, we are new creatures! Sin and death no longer enslave us. We have gone from bound to free, death to life…forgotten to forgiven!
  • Jesus taught a powerful truth to His Disciples. He taught that following Him meant denying yourself and taking up your cross. That truth still stands as a cornerstone of our faith today, challenging us to live in selfless surrender to our Savior.
  • America is a nation in great need of God. In the midst of our freedoms, we have forgotten our first love. We have lost sight of the principles on which we were founded. We have forgotten that true independence is found in our dependence on God. Today, we humbly pray for God to hear His people…and heal our land.
  • Dads come in all shapes, sizes, talents and qualities. But the one thing they have in common is they were created by God. Each one unique, each one made with a purpose and each one built to be a Dad. Take a humorous look at eclectic world of Fatherhood with “Build-A-Dad”!
  • Featuring powerful words from President Ronald Reagan, “Back To The Fight” is a call to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. It’s a reminder of what it means to be an American and what it means to be free. “Back To The Fight” uses excerpts from The Presidents Inaugural address, January 20th 1981, as well as His Memorial Day address, May 26th 1986. The included audio is used under the Creative Commons 3.0 License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/.
  • Worship is about surrender. Surrender of self, surrender of sin, surrender of everything standing in the way of God having authority over our lives. Today, as we gather to worship, let us present ourselves as living sacrifices…let us worship and surrender.
  • There are so many way to describe Jesus. Faithful, mighty, loving, gracious. He is an amazing Savior, worthy of our praise and devotion. He is beautiful. He is strong. He is righteous. He is magnificent!
  • Today we exalt the Creator of all, the King of Kings. Today we surrender before His throne. Today we worship our Savior, our Redeemer and our Merciful Lord. Today we offer our all as we stand in awe of our God.
  • Life is about Jesus. It should be lived for His glory, His purpose and His will. Every action, every word, every decision should be for His renown. It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to go through the motions. It’s easy to say the right things. But, when it comes down to it…what are you here for? I am here for Jesus.
  • There has never been and will never be a moment, when God is not worthy of our praise. Every moment, every day, every breath, every step should be lived as an offering of worship to the King of Kings!
  • Dads are our heroes. They’re brave when we’re scared, strong when we’re weak, wise when we don’t know and gracious when we let them down. Today, take a moment to celebrate Fathers, not only for their hand in our lives, but for being a wonderful gift from God.
  • Wait

    Straight from scripture, “Wait” reminds us to trust God in all things, to wait on Him and know He will strengthen us, guide us and show us His good and perfect will.
  • Christmas is so much more than a holiday. It’s a time to stop and remember the amazing grace of God, the birth of The Messiah and the grace God has shown us through Him. This Christmas, may the world see Christmas for what it truly is…a celebration of our Savior, the only Son of God.
  • The Bible tells us to present ourselves as living sacrifices. In other words, our lives were designed to be lived out as an offering to God. Every breath, every heartbeat and every moment.
  • This powerful worship intro speaks to the fact that worship is the result of a heart consumed by the love of God. Featuring an original soundtrack, “This Is My Heart”, is a perfect way to kick off your next worship service or event. 

  • It's Summer! Time for vacations, sunshine and trips to the beach. Time to let your Bible collect some dust and maybe sleep in on a Sunday. After all, you've worked hard. You deserve a church break...right? This summer, don't ignore the God who has never once ignored you. It's summer...see you at church!  
  • Today is a beautiful day of celebration. A day to honor the Women who have shaped us nurtured us and walked us through life. It’s a day to say thanks to all the moms. Moms with toddlers tearing through the house, and moms whose babies have moved away. Moms who are doing this all by themselves, and moms who loved a child in need. Moms who have suffered unimaginable loss, and moms whose children are moms themselves. For all the times your love made things better and the moments your wisdom made things clear. For the way, you lived as an example so we could see Jesus through you. For each and every memory that has lit the path we walk, we say thank you. Happy Mother’s Day.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Most of us remember that day, it’s etched in our minds. A permanent reminder of tragedy. We all watched helplessly as lives were lost, heroes were born, and a nation was forever changed. Through that pain, we witnessed the resolve of a Nation. We saw chaos give birth to courage, fear transform into fortitude, and destruction give way to determination. In the midst of the brokenness, freedom stood immovable. Today we remember those we lost. We honor the heroes who saved so many and grieve with the families who have suffered so much. It’s been 20 years, but we still remember…And we will never forget.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Let’s face it, we’d be a mess without our Mom. Take a humorous look at what makes this day so special and celebrate God’s wonderful gift of Mom!

  • Living with uncertainty can take its toll. The normal day to day is replaced with fear, worry, doubt. When our “normal” is disrupted, our surroundings begin to feel weak, foundations begin to rattle our lives become…disoriented. Even in our darkest moments, when the last thread of hope has unraveled from our being, we must dwell on truth. We must remember, no matter what is happening around us, God is still sovereign. He is not surprised by this moment. Today let us dwell on the truth of Easter. The stone has been rolled away. The grave has been rendered powerless. Death has transformed to life. Night has been overcome by Day. In our fear, He is still risen. In our worry, He is still victorious. In our doubt, He is still alive. When everything seems hopeless…The hope of Easter remains.

  • Today is the day. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. Today is the day!

  • What If?


    What if we got rid of the distractions? All the things which turn us away from Jesus. What if quit talking and actually lived out our faith? What if we cared deeply, served passionately and lived sacrificially? What if we were more like Jesus…What if?

  • A beautiful opening prayer to begin your next service or time of worship.

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