• This Thanksgiving, take some time to reflect on everything God has done. Thanks Him for His grace, His love, His forgiveness and faithfulness. Thank Him for hearing our prayers, for sending His Son and for changing our lives. God is worthy of our praise…offer it to Him this Thanksgiving. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • These are unprecedented times, filled with uncertainty and fear. The way we meet together as a church has changed, but we will persevere. Because the Church is not a building. It is not brick and mortar. It is the Body of Christ. It is all of us, honoring God, no matter our circumstance. Any place, any time, any day…We are still the Church!

  • He is our Savior, our Precious Redeemer and Mighty Deliverer. He is High and Exalted and worthy of praise. Today, we give Him glory. Today we lift our voices and worship Jesus…for He alone is worthy.

  • As the Church gathers, we need to remember why we’ve come together. Simply put, we are here for Jesus. To seek Him and not ourselves. To shout His praises and enter His courts. We are here to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. We are here to Worship!
  • This year has seen a lot. We’ve seen fear and we’ve seen peace. We’ve see hate and love. We’ve seen heartache and joy. Through it all, God has remained faithful. He has not forsaken us. As we begin a new year, let us renew our focus on God. Let us seek His glory. Let us dwell in His courts.
  • It’s springtime! Creation is transforming, reminding us of the new life we have in Jesus. Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice as we worship our Creator.
  • Our lives should be lived as an offering to God. Every moment of every day should be a sacrifice of praise. God is worthy of our praise, no matter our circumstances, mood or schedule. It’s time we truly lived our lives the way they were meant to be lived…as an offering  of worship to God.
  • The events of September 11th 2001 changed the world forever. We all remember where we were that day. We remember the chaos, the fear and the loss of life. We remember the birth of new heroes and the resolve of our Nation. Today, let’s be intentional about praying for the families who lost so much. Let’s pray for our nation and let’s ask for God’s influence on our world.
  • Visiting a church can be intimidating and even overwhelming. Let your visitors know they are welcome, cared about and loved.

  • This high energy opener is a great way to kick off your upcoming Easter services. Powerful text and fast moving visuals set the tone for a time of worship and celebration!

  • Today we gather to worship our Savior, the King of Kings, the Giver of Life, the Creator of All, God’s Perfect Sacrifice. Today we worship our Redeemer, our Deliverer, God’s only Son. Today, we worship Jesus!
  • There are no words to describe our gratitude. When someone risks their life, “thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough. Today we honor our heroes, the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom and protected our nation. They are the best of America. Today we stand with our veterans.
  • Need

    Everywhere you go there is a need. In our cities, our nation and our world. People are struggling, addicted, broken and lost. If Jesus is the hope of the world, then His church should act as His hands and feet. It’s time for the church to act on the hope we have. To meet people wherever they are and share the love of Jesus. It’s time to meet the need.
  • What is your purpose? Why  are you here? Although we are all unique, we will always have one thing in common. We were all created to worship God. There has never been a moment, where God was not worthy of our praise. As we run the race, let us remember, we are here to honor Him, to love Him, to serve Him and to worship Him.
  • Worship is about living every moment of every day as a sacrifice of praise. It’s about giving God the glory He deserves, no matter your circumstance. We were created to give praise to God and to live lives of worship.
  • Easter is more than just another Sunday. It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than a fancy hat, chocolate bunnies and Marshmallow peeps. Easter is about life. Life renewed, life restored and life redeemed. Easter comes down to a simple truth: Death has lost its sting, the grave has been defeated, He is not here…He is Risen!
  • We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100 is a powerful call to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise.
  • This Christmas, set your visitors at ease by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...where they can belong, find friends and most importantly, experience the miracle of Christmas.
  • The blood Jesus shed on the cross changed everything. The filth of sin and the stench of death were washed clean. Through Jesus we can now be whole again. O precious is the flow. That makes me white as snow. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  • Even in the manger, Jesus was worthy of worship. The Word had become flesh and eternity had been forever changed. Filled with scripture, “This Christmas” is a powerful way to begin your Christmas services and remind your congregation of the unquestioned worthiness of The Messiah.
  • The work of Jesus on the cross is something we should never forget. His suffering, His body and His blood were given for us. We were bought with a price, redeemed by love and set free from our sins.
  • From Mother Teresa to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., history is filled with people who have pursued peace. People who have walked a road paved by the pierced hands of our Savior. As we remember MLK and the peaceful pursuit for equality and justice, let us remember what the scriptures say: “Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called the children of God”.
  • It’s Halloween again, the much debated yearly celebration. Some of us enjoy the day, while others would rather lock our doors and turn off the porch light. No matter your opinion, the fact is, more people will come to your door on October 31st than any other night of the year. What a great opportunity to be Christ to your community. Greet people, offer them something warm to drink, shake hands, offer a smile. But, whatever you do, don’t be THAT house. Keep your porch light on, welcome people and be a light to your community.
  • We worship an amazing God. A God worthy of worship and deserving of praise. A God who should be lifted high and exalted every moment of every day. Our God is worthy to be loved, adored and magnified.
  • Welcome people to church by letting them know they matter, they are cared about and they have a purpose. Let them know they have a found a place they can call home.
  • Mother’s Day is a day honor all Moms. It’s a day to support Single Moms, encourage Adoptive Moms, be grateful for Foster Moms and comfort Moms who have lost a child. Not all Mothers travel the same road, but they are each loved by God and loved by those whose lives they have touched.
  • So often we lose sight of what Christmas is really all about. It's not the presents or big dinners...it's the fact that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. “This is Christmas” is a great reminder of what Christmas is truly all about.
  • There are hundreds of ways to connect in this world. From cell phones to social media, it’s easier than ever to share a thought or get in touch. But what is the best way to connect? The reality is, true connection happens in the midst of relationships. It happens when we take the time to invest in people and do life together. Connections are about letting people know they matter to you and, most importantly, to God. Are you connected?
  • We used to wander, stuck in our brokenness. We didn’t know it yet, but we needed grace. While we were lost in darkness, God was consumed by love. A love which led Him to do the unimaginable. A love which would cost Him his Son. One night in Bethlehem, the heart of Christmas began beating with a rhythm that would change the world. Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior…was born. Love in the flesh. Grace in a manger. Today we celebrate that moment. We worship our Messiah and we stand in awe of the life-changing gift God has given us. Jesus…the true heart of Christmas.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • His body was broken for you. His blood, poured out for you. His life, given…all for you. Today we remember, today we honor, today we worship a Savior who gave everything so we could have life eternal. This is Communion.

  • Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday. It’s a day to remember the greatness of our God. It’s a day to remember His love, His saving Grace and the gift of His Son. It’s a day to worship God with a heart of Gratitude. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Only one is worthy. Only one can claim to be Savior, Redeemer and God. Only one deserves to be worshipped. Jesus alone is worthy of our praise!
  • The events of September 11th 2001 reshaped our world. All these years later, we can still feel the heartache. 9/11 was a day of unimaginable tragedy. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, witnessed the birth of new heroes and experienced the unquestioned resolve of our Nation. Today, let us remember those who were taken far too soon. Let us pray for their families and pray for our nation.
  • So often, we tend to make our worship experiences about us. Our preferences, our style, our desires. The reality is, worship is about Jesus. It’s about His worth, His glory, His renown. Today, let’s put ourselves aside. Let’s lay our lives down as a sacrifice of praise and give the glory to a God who deserves it all. This isn’t about us…This is about Jesus!
  • Journey

    Life is a journey. Each of us has a road to walk and decisions to make. Are we looking forward or looking back? Are we watching our steps or looking to Jesus? The road of life was not meant to be walked alone. It was meant to be walked with Jesus.
  • We were lost in darkness, in desperate need of a Savior. Separated from God. But God loved us with an unstoppable love. A love which cost Him dearly. For God so loved the World, He sent His only Son. That night in Bethlehem, grace arrived and changed everything. This is Christ the Lord.

  • Jesus changed everything. A world in desperate need of a Savior now had one.  In this one little child was our King, our Redeemer, our Messiah and our Lord. God in flesh, love personified…Born this day.
  • Today we celebrate the day grace was born. Jesus, this precious gift of God who would change our eternity. That day in Bethlehem found mercy in a manger, love come to life and hope restored. Today we honor, today we praise, today we worship and adore.
  • At the heart of Thanksgiving is a yearning to worship God with our whole heart. To proclaim our gratitude for His faithfulness, His grace and His love. Today we honor God with worship and Thanksgiving. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Psalm 8

    Psalm 8 is a powerful testimony of the beauty and greatness of God’s creation, and His care for mankind. It’s a call to worship the power and majesty of His Name.
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