• Sunset

    It’s easy to give God a Sunday. Going to church, singing a few songs and listening to a sermon doesn’t take much effort. The question is, what will you do when Sunday is over? What will you do this week to serve, honor, worship and trust God? Does your engagement with God end when the sun goes down Sunday evening? “Sunset” serves as a reminder to use Sunday as a way to start your week, dedicated fully to God.
  • Taken straight from John Chapter 1, “The Light of Christmas” is the holiday version of our video “The Light”. Featuring an original soundtrack and moving visuals, “The Light of Christmas” is a great fit for any Christmas or Advent service.
  • So often we lose sight of what Christmas is really all about. It's not the presents or big dinners...it's the fact that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. “This is Christmas” is a great reminder of what Christmas is truly all about.
  • Messiah

    This powerful, scripture driven video travels from prophecy, to proclamation, to the birth of our Savior. Perfect for the Advent season, Christmas Eve or any Christmas holiday service.
  • It’s Christmas time again. Time for snow angels, snow ball fights and a trip down a white powdered slope. Between the shopping, wrapping, eating and traveling, it’s a miracle we make it out of “The Holiday’s” alive. What if we stopped for a moment and focussed on the real miracle of Christmas? What if we slowed down long enough to worship the Savior, to honor the Messiah, to give glory to the only begotten Son of God? It’s time we realized this is more than a holiday…this is Jesus day…this is Christmas.
  • The Bible tells us to present ourselves as living sacrifices. In other words, our lives were designed to be lived out as an offering to God. Every breath, every heartbeat and every moment.
  • Miracles

    We serve a mighty and powerful God. A God who has done the miraculous throughout history. In the Bible, we see moment after moment where God intervenes in a miraculous way. What about now? Do we believe God can do the same things He did in the Bible? Is He still doing the miraculous today? Do you believe in miracles?
  • Welcome people to church by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...where they can belong, find friends and most importantly, experience God.
  • Scripture defines love beautifully. It tells us of a patient, hopeful and selfless love. A love that can care for another and make a difference in the world. A love that can honor a savior who loves us more than we could ever comprehend. A love we are capable of because God first loved us.
  • We are a broken and sinful people. People in need of a Savior. Jesus became that for us by allowing His body to be broken and His blood to be poured out on the cross. He gave His life for ours. “What He Did For You” is design for Good Friday, as an intro to a time of communion or for any message focused on the work of the cross.
  • Holy week begins as Jesus arrives triumphantly in Jerusalem. Fulfilling a centuries old prophecy. The people celebrated, shouting; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”. In 7 days, Jesus would once again triumph…this time, over sin and death!
  • Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. A time to confess our sins and ask God to forgive, cleanse and help us. It’s a time to remember just how lost we are without Jesus and to dwell on all He endured to bring us grace.
  • When the work of the cross was finished, the work of Easter began. Death lost its sting. The grave was defeated. The stone was rolled away. In 3 days, Jesus accomplished everything we needed to experience his grace and redeem our eternity. Featuring an original, epic soundtrack, “Easter (He Is Risen)” is a powerful reminder of the Easter story and the saving mercy of our risen Savior.
  • Let's face it...without our Mom, we'd be a disaster! Our Mom has taught us, guided us and loved us through our lives. They've picked us up, held us close and shown us an example of Jesus. “Happy Mother's Day” is a bright, colorful and fun way to tell Mom's everywhere how grateful we are and how much we love them.
  • Dads are everything to their kids. They're superheroes, mechanics, teachers, encouragers, disciplinarians and so much more. Today, it's time to pause and remember all the things our Dad's have done for us...and to thank God for the gift of a Father.
  • Our great nation was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate our independence, let us not forget our dependence on God, our foundation of faith and our need for His hand to guide us.
  • Dear Mom

    Sometimes it's hard to find the words to express just how grateful we are for our Mom. She's taught us, fed us, nurtured us and disciplined us all because she loves us. “Dear Mom” is an open letter of thanks to all the Mom's who ever got up in the middle of the night, sat through a baseball game, fed a hungry group of teenagers or hugged us when we had a broken heart. Sometimes the only thing left to say is thank you.
  • Our mother’s hands are always there. They hold us, comfort us, guide us and show us love. They’re there for big and small moments. They hold us up and pick us up when we fall. Our Mother’s hands are a gift from God. Through them, we can feel the love God has for us.
  • Mother’s Day is a day honor all Moms. It’s a day to support Single Moms, encourage Adoptive Moms, be grateful for Foster Moms and comfort Moms who have lost a child. Not all Mothers travel the same road, but they are each loved by God and loved by those whose lives they have touched.
  • This Christmas, set your visitors at ease by letting them know they are accepted, cared about and loved. Let them know church is a place they can call home...where they can belong, find friends and most importantly, experience the miracle of Christmas.
  • The resurrection changed everything. Sin had been defeated and death had lost its sting. Our old life, separated from God, could now be renewed. The power of the resurrection made a new life, in Christ Jesus, possible.
  • Easter is more than just another Sunday. It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than a fancy hat, chocolate bunnies and Marshmallow peeps. Easter is about life. Life renewed, life restored and life redeemed. Easter comes down to a simple truth: Death has lost its sting, the grave has been defeated, He is not here…He is Risen!
  • It’s springtime! Creation is transforming, reminding us of the new life we have in Jesus. Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice as we worship our Creator.
  • Dads can do many “manly” things. They can mow a yard, grill a burger, use tools and even threaten to pull the car over. But, being a dad isn’t really about any of those things. It’s not about being “manly”, it’s about being Godly. It’s about loving on your kids and leading them to Jesus. This Father’s Day, inspire men to be the the kind of Dad God has called them to be.
  • We live in a nation which has slowly fallen away from the faith on which it was founded. A nation in desperate need of God and his healing hand. It’s time this great nation remembered that its independence is found in its dependence on God.
  • We live in a Nation which has slowly forgotten the principles on which it was founded. We have lost our foundation of faith. We enjoy living in freedom, but have lost sight of where that freedom comes from. Our prayer today is for our Nation to return to its roots. Our hope is for America to remember its dependence on God.
  • The Christmas story comes down to one simple truth. God loved us so much, that He gave Jesus. Because of this, eternity has changed forever. Grace arrived in Bethlehem that night and the world was never the same.
  • We enjoy great freedoms in our country. Freedoms which were gained at a price. Over our history brave men and women have fought and died for our nation. Today, Memorial Day, we remember them. Our soldiers…our Heroes!
  • Life, at its very core, is about worship. It’s about living out what we were created to do. It’s about taking each moment of each day and laying it at the feet of Jesus as a sacrifice of praise. God has placed us here to worship.
  • We are all created different. Yet we all have one thing in common. We were created to worship God. How we live, what we do, every moment of every day is meant to be an act of worship. We need to continually remind ourselves why we are here. We are here to give God the glory He deserves.
  • Every moment of every day, we are faced with a choice to worship God. In our circumstances, in our homes, in our work…in our lives. Worshiping God isn’t just a Sunday thing. It’s a daily, moment by moment, choice. If we can take life one moment at a time and offer those moments to God, we will finally see what it means to lead a life of worship.
  • We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100 is a powerful call to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise.
  • Worship

    Worship is about surrender. It’s about offering ourselves, as a living sacrifice, to a God who has given us everything. It’s about every breath and ever moment being lived out for Jesus.
  • Worship is about expressing God’s worth. It’s about putting ourselves aside and dwelling only on Him. It’s about living our lives in a way which reflects how we truly feel about Him. In our worship, in our actions, in our lives, may we all be saying, in one voice, “I love You Lord!”
  • If today was the day Jesus returned, what would He find us doing? Would we be proven faithful, or lost in faithlessness? Would we be working the harvest or ignoring the field? Would He find us worshipping Him or bowing to idols? The truth is, we should live each day bringing glory to God. The question isn’t; “When will Jesus return” - It is “What will we do until He get’s here”?
  • There are hundreds of ways to connect in this world. From cell phones to social media, it’s easier than ever to share a thought or get in touch. But what is the best way to connect? The reality is, true connection happens in the midst of relationships. It happens when we take the time to invest in people and do life together. Connections are about letting people know they matter to you and, most importantly, to God. Are you connected?
  • Worship is about living every moment of every day as a sacrifice of praise. It’s about giving God the glory He deserves, no matter your circumstance. We were created to give praise to God and to live lives of worship.
  • God has created each of us different. We all have our unique gifts and qualities. But there is one thing all of us have in common. God has created us to worship!
  • Our lives should be lived as an offering to God. Every moment of every day should be a sacrifice of praise. God is worthy of our praise, no matter our circumstances, mood or schedule. It’s time we truly lived our lives the way they were meant to be lived…as an offering  of worship to God.
  • Worship isn’t about a Sunday morning experience or spending 30 minutes singing songs. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice to honor God. Worship is more than music or church, it’s about how we live our lives. It’s choosing God in every moment of every day.
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