• It’s Halloween again, the much debated yearly celebration. Some of us enjoy the day, while others would rather lock our doors and turn off the porch light. No matter your opinion, the fact is, more people will come to your door on October 31st than any other night of the year. What a great opportunity to be Christ to your community. Greet people, offer them something warm to drink, shake hands, offer a smile. But, whatever you do, don’t be THAT house. Keep your porch light on, welcome people and be a light to your community.
  • As Americans, we need to pause a moment and remember the sacrifice of so many which has provided the freedoms we enjoy today. Men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could have a better life. Powerful visuals and an original soundtrack make "We Remember You" a great way to honor our heroes.
  • This Veteran’s Day, take a moment to honor the brave men and women who have served, fought and sacrificed for our freedom.
  • “Do this in remembrance of Me”...Words we often forget. Communion is not simply about the act of partaking, but also about living a life which remembers the sacrifice of Jesus. “Communion” is a powerful reminder of the importance of the Lord's Supper. Featuring an original soundtrack and moving visuals, this video is a great way to lead into a time of remembrance as well as a great fit for any message or service focused on Communion.  
  • Sometimes, life can get the way of our call to worship. We forget about God in the midst of the day to day. “An Act of Worship” captures this struggle and challenges us to live our lives...our whole lives in worship to Him.

  • Powerful quotes remind us of the fact we were created to worship God.

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