What Jesus did for us should never be forgotten. We should constantly be in a state of remembrance for His gift of grace. God sent His only Son to take our place, bare our penalty and die our death. This is mercy. This is love. This is communion.
Motive is everything. Do we live life for ourselves or for God’s glory? Are we at church to enjoy a social club or have we come to worship our Maker? We need to continually check our motives and be mindful of what is driving us. Life is meant to be lived as an act of worship.
Worship is the act of responding to the worth of God in our everyday lives. Moment by moment…circumstance by circumstance. Surrendering our will, bending our knee and approaching His throne with humility. We can worship many things in this life, but only Jesus is worthy of it.
Life, at its core, is about worship. It’s about choosing to glorify God moment by moment, day by day. We need to continually seek to give honor to God no matter our circumstance. He is worthy…always.
Worship isn’t about a Sunday morning experience or spending 30 minutes singing songs. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice to honor God. Worship is more than music or church, it’s about how we live our lives. It’s choosing God in every moment of every day.
Our lives should be lived as an offering to God. Every moment of every day should be a sacrifice of praise. God is worthy of our praise, no matter our circumstances, mood or schedule. It’s time we truly lived our lives the way they were meant to be lived…as an offering of worship to God.
God has created each of us different. We all have our unique gifts and qualities. But there is one thing all of us have in common. God has created us to worship!
Worship is about living every moment of every day as a sacrifice of praise. It’s about giving God the glory He deserves, no matter your circumstance. We were created to give praise to God and to live lives of worship.
There are hundreds of ways to connect in this world. From cell phones to social media, it’s easier than ever to share a thought or get in touch. But what is the best way to connect? The reality is, true connection happens in the midst of relationships. It happens when we take the time to invest in people and do life together. Connections are about letting people know they matter to you and, most importantly, to God. Are you connected?
If today was the day Jesus returned, what would He find us doing? Would we be proven faithful, or lost in faithlessness? Would we be working the harvest or ignoring the field? Would He find us worshipping Him or bowing to idols? The truth is, we should live each day bringing glory to God. The question isn’t; “When will Jesus return” - It is “What will we do until He get’s here”?
Worship is about expressing God’s worth. It’s about putting ourselves aside and dwelling only on Him. It’s about living our lives in a way which reflects how we truly feel about Him. In our worship, in our actions, in our lives, may we all be saying, in one voice, “I love You Lord!”
We are all called to worship. We are all created to give glory to God. We are meant to shout with joy and worship the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100 is a powerful call to give honor to the living God and enter His courts with praise.
Every moment of every day, we are faced with a choice to worship God. In our circumstances, in our homes, in our work…in our lives. Worshiping God isn’t just a Sunday thing. It’s a daily, moment by moment, choice. If we can take life one moment at a time and offer those moments to God, we will finally see what it means to lead a life of worship.
We are all created different. Yet we all have one thing in common. We were created to worship God. How we live, what we do, every moment of every day is meant to be an act of worship. We need to continually remind ourselves why we are here. We are here to give God the glory He deserves.
Life, at its very core, is about worship. It’s about living out what we were created to do. It’s about taking each moment of each day and laying it at the feet of Jesus as a sacrifice of praise. God has placed us here to worship.
We enjoy great freedoms in our country. Freedoms which were gained at a price. Over our history brave men and women have fought and died for our nation. Today, Memorial Day, we remember them. Our soldiers…our Heroes!
The Christmas story comes down to one simple truth. God loved us so much, that He gave Jesus. Because of this, eternity has changed forever. Grace arrived in Bethlehem that night and the world was never the same.
We live in a Nation which has slowly forgotten the principles on which it was founded. We have lost our foundation of faith. We enjoy living in freedom, but have lost sight of where that freedom comes from. Our prayer today is for our Nation to return to its roots. Our hope is for America to remember its dependence on God.