Twenty Third is a beautiful visual representation of Psalm 23, revealing God’s love, care, protection and provision for His Children.
For God so loved the World, you…and me. He loved us with an indescribable, unrelenting love. A love aimed at bringing us home. As a prodigal returns to their Father, so to could we return…to our Creator. Through Jesus we can have life…life eternal. This love shines a light…guiding us into the arms of our Savior. For God so loved the World.
As we gather together, let us remember why we’re here. To celebrate, honor and magnify an Awesome God, Glorious Savior, Beautiful Messiah and Amazing King.
This upbeat, high energy call to worship is a great way to start your next service or worship event.
This visually stunning video is a moving retelling of The Lord’s Prayer in Mathew 6.
Today we express our adoration to our Savior. We sing the praises of the King of Kings and give glory to the Lord of Lords. Today, we worship our Deliverer and shout from the mountaintops…We Love You Jesus!
Today we gather to lift high the mighty name of Jesus. To sing his praises and make His glory known. Today we exalt our creator because He alone is worthy of our praise!
America is a nation in great need of God. A Nation which has lost sight of the principles on which we were founded. Today we remember that true independence is found in our dependence on God. We humbly pray for God to hear His people…and heal our land.
America is at its best when we seek after the face of God. We are a Nation in need of the arms of our Savior, the one place true independence is found. One Nation under God…this is America!
Today we stand and worship our Savior. We give Him glory for His grace and mercy. Today we stand in awe of our amazing God and proclaim the mighty name of Jesus!
Today we worship our Savior. We give glory to the God of all creation. Today we lift High the name of Jesus. For He alone is worthy of our praise. Today we glorify our Mighty God.
Visiting a church can be intimidating and even overwhelming. Let your visitors know they are welcome, cared about and loved.
It was a moment unlike any other. A night where the grace of God was on full display. Where love overcame the crimson stain…the sin, which made communion with God impossible. The creator, was longing for His creation. That night in Bethlehem, under a starry sky, Jesus was born. Our Savior, Our Messiah…grace in a manger.
We were lost in darkness, in desperate need of a Savior. Separated from God. But God loved us with an unstoppable love. A love which cost Him dearly. For God so loved the World, He sent His only Son. That night in Bethlehem, grace arrived and changed everything. This is Christ the Lord.
Jesus birth changed everything. This little child would carry the weight of the world on His shoulders. He is Emmanuel, God with us. Almighty God and Everlasting Father.
That night in Bethlehem, a Savior was born. The Son of God who would take away the sins of the world. A Wonderful Counselor who would light our path and guide our lives as we live our lives surrounded by his grace and mercy.
It was a night unlike any other. A night when grace arrived and changed our eternity…forever. For God so loved the world, he gave us a savior. Jesus…our Messiah.
This powerful, scripture driven video travels from prophecy, to proclamation, to the birth of our Savior. Perfect for the Advent season, Christmas Eve or any Christmas holiday service. Completely remastered with updated color and a powerful, remixed soundtrack.
A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.
A beautiful, short intro for week four of Advent. Part of the “An Advent Moment” collection.