• As Holy Week begins, “Hosanna” is the cry of our hearts. Today, we worship a triumphant Messiah. A Savior willing to give everything to redeem our eternity. Today, we worship Jesus!
  • As Holy Week begins, we worship our Savior. The promised Messiah has come. Soon, sin will be defeated and death will be conquered. Mercy will triumph over evil and God’s love will changed our eternity. Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!

  • As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, Our Savior, Our Messiah. In triumph he has entered Jerusalem and in triumph He will defeat sin and death. Hosanna in the highest!

  • As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, our Savior, our King, Our Messiah. He has triumphantly entered Jerusalem on His way to changing our eternities…forever. Hosanna in the highest!

  • What does it mean to be a Christian? The bible tells us in great detail. It means we are adopted as children of God. It means we are redeemed, delivered and set free from sin. It means grace has covered our lives and mercy has clothed our bodies. Often times, Christian are portrayed in a negative light. We’re viewed as judgmental or hypocritical. But, at the core of our identity, is a heart held in the hands of Jesus. We are saved, We are a new creation, We are Christians.
  • We are all created to worship. This powerful video captures that truth with stunning visuals and a moving soundtrack. I Am A Worshipper is a great way to kick of your next service or transition into a message on worship.  
  • The Bible tells us to present ourselves as living sacrifices. In other words, our lives were designed to be lived out as an offering to God. Every breath, every heartbeat and every moment.
  • Through Jesus we have freedom. Freedom of the chains of sin and death. Freedom from all which separated us from God. We are free to live, free to worship and free to give ourselves as a sacrifice of praise. It was for freedom, Christ set us free.
  • Life is about Jesus. It should be lived for His glory, His purpose and His will. Every action, every word, every decision should be for His renown. It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to go through the motions. It’s easy to say the right things. But, when it comes down to it…what are you here for? I am here for Jesus.
  • Life, at its very core, is about worship. It’s about living out what we were created to do. It’s about taking each moment of each day and laying it at the feet of Jesus as a sacrifice of praise. God has placed us here to worship.
  • What is your purpose? Why  are you here? Although we are all unique, we will always have one thing in common. We were all created to worship God. There has never been a moment, where God was not worthy of our praise. As we run the race, let us remember, we are here to honor Him, to love Him, to serve Him and to worship Him.
  • I Am His

    In Jesus we are a new creation, free from the penalty of sin. Redeemed, renewed, restored and loved beyond measure. We were bought with a price…we are His!
  • Worship is about surrender. It’s about laying our lives at the feet of Jesus and declaring we belong to Him. It’s about complete devotion, unhindered praise and a passionate love for our Savior. It’s saying to our Father God; “I Am Yours”!
  • I Belong

    As Christ followers, we can have a true sense of belonging. Even in our loneliest moments, we are still living in the midst of Jesus. We belong to the King of Kings, the Risen Savior, the one true and holy God. This is life as His child!
  • From the depths of our heart should come a cry. A constant sense of needing, desiring and longing for God. His worth, His presence and His glory should be the cry of our heart.
  • We were created to give glory to God. We were made to enter His courts and approach His throne. Our lives should be lived for His glory, his purpose and His calling. Every moment of every day we should seek to exalt our Father God.
  • At the very center of Thanksgiving is a heart of worship. A heart that honors, worships and cries out, to The Father, from an overflow of gratitude. FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • There has never been a time when God has not been worthy of our praise. No matter our circumstance, we must respond to His worth. We must make a choice, moment by moment, to come to Him and worship.
  • Worship is about living every moment of every day as a sacrifice of praise. It’s about giving God the glory He deserves, no matter your circumstance. We were created to give praise to God and to live lives of worship.
  • Today, we thank our Dads for loving us, guiding us and most of all, showing us Jesus. We say thanks for being present in our lives, even when life was busy. Thanks for giving us the discipline we deserved and the grace we didn’t and for picking us up when we failed. Today, we honor Dad…Happy Father’s Day!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
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