• Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. A time to confess our sins and ask God to forgive us, purify us and refine us. It’s a time to remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.
  • Rise

    Taking us from the cross to the grave to the resurrection, this powerful call to worship challenges us to celebrate and remember the work of Jesus at Easter…His sacrifice, His mercy, His victory and our redemption!
  • At the cross, they thought it was over. Jesus was dead. Hope was lost. Love was dead. Three days later, all of that changed. Jesus was victorious. Sin and death were defeated and hope was restored. Jesus couldn’t stay in the grave, because love is alive!
  • What if I told you death was not the end? When your heart stops, eternity starts. Your very last breath is just the beginning. What if I told you death loses? All of this is true because Jesus is alive!
  • Jesus is alive! That powerful Easter moment was not an ending but a beginning. After His resurrection, Jesus commanded us to go and tell the world. To share the hope of Easter with everyone, everywhere. Easter may be over, but our commission is clear…Let’s Go!
  • This moment is about surrender. It’s about lifting high the name of Jesus and giving glory to the God of Mercy. It’s about laying everything before Him as a sacrifice of praise. This moment is about worship.
  • This is the moment. This is the time. God is worthy of praise right here and right now. It’s time to surrender our all for the sake of His glory. It’s time to worship Jesus with our whole hearts. This is the moment!
  • Life should be lived as an act of worship. Every moment of every day should be  lived as a sacrifice of praise.Today, let’s make the choice to surrender all in response to a God who has given us life…He is worthy of that!
  • The Bible is God’s word to us. Yet how often do we actually spend time reading it’s pages. Do we study it? Do we hunger for it? Do we hide it in our hearts? The God of the universe is speaking. The question is…are we listening?
  • America was built on the lives of heroes. Men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Americans, whose courage shaped a nation. Today we honor those who gave all they had and became the very definition of a hero.
  • Featuring powerful words from President Ronald Reagan, “Back To The Fight” is a call to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. It’s a reminder of what it means to be an American and what it means to be free. “Back To The Fight” uses excerpts from The Presidents Inaugural address, January 20th 1981, as well as His Memorial Day address, May 26th 1986. The included audio is used under the Creative Commons 3.0 License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/.
  • Dads come in all shapes, sizes, talents and qualities. But the one thing they have in common is they were created by God. Each one unique, each one made with a purpose and each one built to be a Dad. Take a humorous look at eclectic world of Fatherhood with “Build-A-Dad”!
  • This year, take a moment to thank God and honor our Dads for everything they are in our lives!
  • Our Pastors have answered a call few receive and carry a burden few can understand. Today, take a moment to honor your Pastor and give thanks to God for their leadership, faithfulness and love for His people.
  • America is a nation in great need of God. In the midst of our freedoms, we have forgotten our first love. We have lost sight of the principles on which we were founded. We have forgotten that true independence is found in our dependence on God. Today, we humbly pray for God to hear His people…and heal our land.
  • Advent

    This simple, elegant and powerful video is a great fit for the Advent season.
  • Jesus taught a powerful truth to His Disciples. He taught that following Him meant denying yourself and taking up your cross. That truth still stands as a cornerstone of our faith today, challenging us to live in selfless surrender to our Savior.
  • God loved us so much, He sent His Son to die our death and carry our burden. Sin was defeated by grace, darkness was overcome by light and death was destroyed by life eternal.
  • Welcome your visitors by letting them know they matter, they’re cared about and they’re loved.
  • Today we worship the King of Kings…our Savior, our Lord, our Redeemer. Today we worship the one who changed our eternity and replaced our guilt with grace. Today we worship Jesus!
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