Today we remember the work of Jesus on the cross. His body broken, His blood poured out, His life given. A sacrifice that changed everything.
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Enhance your service with creative mini movies. These beautiful sermon illustrations and worship intro videos are a great way to begin your next gathering.
Today we remember the work of Jesus on the cross. His body broken, His blood poured out, His life given. A sacrifice that changed everything.
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This Easter, welcome visitors and let them know they're in a safe place, filled with people who love Jesus and want to know more of Him. Let them know they matter to God…and to us.
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Have you ever walked through a storm? Pushed around by the force of the wind. Drenched by the deluge. We’ve all walked this road. But as Christ followers, we have a promise that walks with us. The promise that God will never leave us or forsake us. His promise to shelter us beneath the shadow of His wing. His promise to remain faithful, even when our faith is weak. No matter how severe the storm, we can stand firm knowing there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. For in the end it’s not the intensity of the storm that matters. Rather it’s the intensity of God’s love that makes all the difference.
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Jesus, betrayed, crucified, finished, buried, mourned, victorious and risen. Three days that changed the course of history and brought hope to a broken world. This Easter share this powerful video that proclaims Jesus is risen and victorious.
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As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, our Savior, the King of Kings. He is triumphant. He is victorious. Our Messiah is here!
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We often find ourselves consumed by the stain off our sin. But how often do we do anything about it? Today we begin a journey, a journey of confession and repentance. Taking ownership of our sin, embracing humility and seeking forgiveness. So we can be washed clean, and celebrate Jesus, our risen savior.
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Awake my soul. I will praise you Lord among the nations. Based on Psalm 57:8-11, this mini-movie is a great way to start your next time of worship.
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The words of Jesus are brought to life in the powerful mini-movie taken directly from Matthew 5:3-12.
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Have you ever lost your way? Wandering, uncertain, and overwhelmed. Sometimes all that’s needed is a simple course correction and before you know it, you’re back on track. Other times the chart is unreadable. The trail dimly lit, and the way home hidden somewhere beyond the horizon. As we make our way through life, we all have moments like these. They are simply a part of our journey. But as Christ followers, we have a Savior who remains faithful, even when we’ve wandered of the road. A God whose Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. If we fix our eyes on Jesus, we will always find our way back home.
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Our journey isn’t always easy. We often find ourselves wandering through the same places, lost in the familiarity of our brokenness, caught in the sin that so easily entangles us. We turn corner after corner, looking for a way out. But we end up right back where we started. This is what sin does. It repeats itself over and over. An exhausting cycle that tries desperately to pull us away from God. That’s where grace comes in. Grace is a cycle breaker. It takes what was in the dark and showers it with light. It forges a path of forgiveness, showing us a way out of the shadows. If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just. He will forgive us, and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That is the power of grace.
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I love you. Three simple words that are easy to say but often difficult to live out. Words set in motion by God himself and brought to life by His Son. Jesus didn’t simply speak about love; he embodied it. He defined it. He spent His life showing us what love is and, through His death, showed us what love is capable of. A love that is patient and kind, humble and sacrificial. A love filled with truth, hope, and perseverance. A love that never fails. What if we loved like Jesus?
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Beginnings speak of the greatness of God. The process of restoration, of regeneration. The chance to simply begin again. This is what His grace does for us. It resets the moment, cleanses the canvas, and gives birth to renewal. As we wander through life, let us seek the face of God. The creator of new beginnings.
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Kick off your upcoming Christmas services with this powerful intro video. There is a light in the darkness. A Savior sent from The Father. A Redeemer born to bring us home. Grace in a manger, love come alive, and mercy in the flesh. For God so loved the world, He sent…Jesus.
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Share the story of Christmas through the eyes of a child with this heartwarming video.
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Powerful Scripture and beautiful graphics bring the meaning of Advent to life in this moving video intro.
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Life and Thanksgiving don’t always go hand in hand. When the chaos of the world places an unbearable weight on our shoulders, when division becomes prevalent, and when hatred seems constant, thankfulness can get lost in the fog. Before we know it, our hearts of gratitude begin to sink under the strain. But God knew life wouldn’t be easy; he knew there would be struggles. He knew there would be pain. He knew there would be heartache. Yet his Word tells us to; “Give thanks In Everything.” The truth is, even in turbulent times, God’s grace still abounds, His mercies are still new every morning, and His love is still everlasting. Today - Let us give thanks in everything.
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It’s not always easy to live in Thanksgiving. In moments when life is overwhelming, choosing gratitude can be the furthest thing from our mind. But even in the most difficult circumstances, we serve a God who will never leave us or forsake us…a God who remains faithful even when we are faithless. A God who loves us…even when we feel unlovable. Today, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith. Today, let us choose to live in Thanksgiving.
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It was a moment where the mercy of God was on full display. Where love outweighed the sin, which made communion with God impossible. Death would no longer be left to permeate the hearts of man. The Creator was longing for His creation. On this day love made a way for grace to take away our brokenness. At that moment in Bethlehem, in a lowly stable, under a star filled sky, Jesus was born. Our Savior. Our Messiah. Grace in a Manger.
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These are challenging times. The division and frustration are palpable. The balance is constantly shifting. The lines, consistently blurred. Truths, half truths, lies, mixed messages, confusing headlines…all in the middle of a Nation whose back has been broken. Finding God in the midst of this moment is difficult. As the election draws closer, countless voices will try to sway you one way or the other. Yet your responsibility is simple. Pray earnestly, seek God passionately, listen carefully and vote how He leads you. God’s is sovereign, He always has been. He is faithful and always will be. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens outside of His providence. This is where we find peace in this moment.
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Kick off your weekend services with this adventurous Church welcome video.
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What if I told you you’ll be OK? That there's nothing in your past that can't be forgiven. Nothing you've done, no matter how hurtful or shameful, can stop the power of God’s grace. No matter the road you’ve walked, the places you’ve been, or the things you’ve seen. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So today, no matter what you’re dealing with. No matter what burdens are weighing you down. Know this, you will be OK.
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We’ve all been there before. Weighed down by life, stressed…stuck. Life has a way of placing burdens on our backs and fear in our hearts. Sometimes, it’s difficult to see our destination while wandering the depths of the desert. But even in the valleys of life, God is there with us. In our darkest moments, he is a light. In our greatest pain, He is our comfort. In the midst of fear…He is our courage. We serve a God who will never leave us…a Redeemer who will never forsake us, and a Savior who loves us…beyond measure. Anywhere, any time, in any moment…God is with us.
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God has created each of us with unique gifts and qualities. But there is one thing all of us have in common. God has created us to worship!
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Kick off your next time of worship with this beautiful and powerful, worship-focused service intro.
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We are an imperfect people. We struggle, fail, and fall short, just like everyone else. We wander this world, one step at a time, moment by moment, place to place, walking the path laid out before us. We strive for righteousness but miss the mark. We seek God but lose our focus. We want to love deeply but often forget how that works. We are a broken people, made whole only by the hand of God. In the end, our life is about one thing, Jesus. And although we don’t pursue Him perfectly, we still pursue Him. One day.. at a time.
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Kick off your weekend services with this hilarious Church welcome video.
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Life is busy. Things can get intense from time to time. Our attention is captured by current events or brief moments that distract from what’s important. As we walk this path, our focus shifts, our gaze begins to wander and life itself.., gets a bit blurry. That’s what chaos does. It diverts our eyes from looking at Jesus. It steals our gaze and distorts our view. But this is not how God intended us to live, for He is the peace in the chaos, the calm in the storm, the anchor in the rising sea. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, we can walk through anything this life has to offer.
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Today, we come together to give glory to God, to lift high the King of Kings and worship Jesus with all our heart. Kick off your next service with this powerful worship intro.
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This Father’s Day, celebrate all the things that make our Dads amazing and let them know how much they are loved.
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Psalm 96 is a powerful call to all creation to worship God, to rejoice before Him and give Him the honor and glory He deserves. This powerful video is a great way to start your next service or time of worship.
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Today is a new day. A day to seek after God and long for His presence. It’s a day to dedicate to prayer and knowing His Word. It’s a day to share His love and pursue hIs will, and a day to run faithfully the race set before us.
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Welcome visitors and let them know they're in a safe place, filled with imperfect people. People who love Jesus and want to know more of Him. Let them know they matter to God…and to us.
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We all have habits, some good and some…well, not so much. But the good news is, we’re not alone. Jesus had habits too. Habits like prayer, loving unconditionally, serving with humility, spending time with the Father and making Disciples. Here’s a habit we all need to develop…being more like Jesus
FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)What does it mean to be a Christian? The bible tells us in great detail. It means we are adopted as children of God. It means we are redeemed, delivered and set free. It means grace has covered our lives and mercy has clothed our bodies. At the core of our identity, is a heart held in the hands of Jesus. We are saved, We are a new creation, We are Christians.
FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, every moment of every day, God is near. From the rise of the dawn to the setting of the sun. From the first cup of coffee to the last bedtime story. At work, at school, among friends, and with your family. For our God dwells with us and abides in us. His presence surrounds us, and His spirit is inescapable. He loves us with an unimaginable affection and cares for us with an unfathomable passion. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, God is near.
FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)What if we loved like Jesus did? Unconditionally, sacrificially, with all our heart. Would it change the world? What if we cared deeply, served selflessly, gave freely? Would it make a difference? If we had the heart of Jesus for the world around us, lives would change, hearts would mend, and love would win. Do you love like Jesus?
FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)Each day, from the moment we wake up, we have choices to make. Some choices are simple, while others require more thought and consideration. Some choices can change the course of your day, while others are nearly meaningless. But as we walk through the next 24 hours, there is one choice we’ll make over and over again…Who will we serve? It’s a choice about priorities and faithfulness. It’s about choosing to live out the call God has placed on our lives and to take each step for His glory. Today, there are never-ending opportunities for us to make an eternal difference in the world around us. We simply need to decide to do so. The choice…is ours.
FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)Life is a journey. Each of us has a road to walk and crossroads to navigate. Are we looking forward or looking back? Are we looking down at our feet or looking to Jesus? This journey was not meant to be walked alone. Along the way, we can stand firmly on the promises of God.
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