Start your Holy Week services with our beautiful Easter Mini Movies. These powerful videos are a great fit for your upcoming Easter gatherings.

  • Use this quick, upbeat intro to kick off your online Easter services.

  • El Cordero de Dios. Sin mancha, sin culpa, un sacrificio perfecto por nuestros pecados. Su cuerpo fue quebrado, su sangre derramada, su vida fue entregada por nosotros. La obra de la cruz está terminada.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • This Easter, welcome visitors and let them know they're in a safe place, filled with imperfect people. People who love Jesus and want to know Him more. As we celebrate the resurrection, let them know they are cared about, accepted and loved.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. It’s our time to share Jesus with those around us. To let them know they are loved. To show them there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and light in the midst of darkness. It’s time to climb the mountaintops and proclaim… in one loud voice…He is risen. He is risen indeed!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • When the work of the cross was finished, the work of Easter began. Death lost its sting. The grave was defeated. The stone was rolled away. In 3 days, Jesus accomplished everything we needed to experience his grace and redeem our eternity. Refreshed and remastered, this best selling mini-movie is a powerful reminder of the Easter story and the saving mercy of our risen Savior.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)

  • Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior. We stood in awe of a Redeemer who has defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity. Now the work of the Church begins. Now is the time for us to step up and fulfill our mission.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)

  • As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, our Savior, our King, Our Messiah. He has triumphantly entered Jerusalem on His way to changing our eternities…forever. Hosanna in the highest!

  • Lent is a time of repentance. A time to reflect, confess and remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • As Holy Week begins, we cry out in worship to Jesus, our King, our Messiah, our Redeemer, our Savior.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • The Lamb Of God. Spotless, blameless, a perfect sacrifice for our sins. His body was broken, His blood poured out, His life was given for us. The work of the cross is finished.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Inicie sus próximos servicios de Pascua con esta poderosa y enérgica introducción de Pascua.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • On the cross, Jesus changed our eternity. He suffered, bled and died because of an unstoppable love for us. Today we stop and remember His body, His blood…His sacrifice.
  • Al comenzar la Semana Santa, clamamos en adoración a Jesús, nuestro Rey, nuestro Mesías, nuestro Redentor, nuestro Salvador.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Remember the sacrifice of our SaviorFor He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. Upon Him was the punishment that brought us peace.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)

  • Today, we remember the unstoppable love of Jesus. A love which led to the cross. A love which changed our eternity. Today we stop and remember His body, His blood…His sacrifice.

  • Today is a celebration, a time of worship. A moment for our hearts to spring to life with gratitude. Today we give glory to Jesus. Our Gracious Redeemer, our Mighty Deliverer, our Risen Savior!

  • Last week we celebrated Easter. We remembered the resurrection, and we worshipped a Savior who defeated sin, conquered death and changed our eternity forever. Now, the work begins. The miracle of Easter was never meant to be kept secret. It was never meant to be quiet. Instead, it was meant to change hearts and lead people…to Jesus. For even now the echoes of the resurrection remind us our work is not finished. For our mandate remains the same. To share the hope of Jesus, the love of our Savior, and the life-changing power of the resurrection to the ends of the Earth. This is our calling. This is our mission. This is the work of Easter.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • For three days, you could hear the echo of the cross. The noise of the crowd, the cries of agony, the nails piercing flesh. But hope was not lost and love was not done. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen!

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)

  • Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. A time to confess our sins and ask God to forgive us, purify us and refine us. It’s a time to remember all Jesus has done and all He endured to bring us grace.
  • As we begin the season of Lent, let us take a moment to acknowledge and confess our sin before God and approach His throne in humility and reverence. May we remember today Jesus’ sacrifice. His life for ours…His blood for our forgiveness.
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