• Celebrate our risen Savior with this beautiful and powerful Easter worship intro.

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  • Long ago there was a prophecy; ‘Rejoice O people of Zion. Shout in triumph O people of Jerusalem. Your King is coming”! Centuries later, the people shouted; “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”. Jesus had arrived triumphantly and soon would triumph again. This time, over sin and death.

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  • Holy week begins as Jesus arrives triumphantly in Jerusalem. Fulfilling a centuries old prophecy. The people celebrated, shouting; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”. In 7 days, Jesus would once again triumph…this time, over sin and death!
  • Inicie sus próximos servicios de Pascua con esta poderosa y enérgica introducción de Pascua.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
  • Celebrate our victorious Savior with this beautiful, fast-paced worship intro. This video is a great way to kick off your upcoming Easter services. Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here…He is risen!

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  • Easter is more than just another Sunday. It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than a fancy hat, chocolate bunnies and Marshmallow peeps. Easter is about life. Life renewed, life restored and life redeemed. Easter comes down to a simple truth: Death has lost its sting, the grave has been defeated, He is not here…He is Risen!
  • We are a broken and sinful people. People in need of a Savior. Jesus became that for us by allowing His body to be broken and His blood to be poured out on the cross. He gave His life for ours. “What He Did For You” is design for Good Friday, as an intro to a time of communion or for any message focused on the work of the cross.
  • This Easter, welcome visitors and let them know they're in a safe place, filled with imperfect people. People who love Jesus and want to know Him more. As we celebrate the resurrection, let them know they are cared about, accepted and loved.

    FULL HD 1080p MP4 File (Mac/Windows Compatible)
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